lunes, 11 de octubre de 2021
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- La interfaz IMiddleware: Middlewares tipados per request en ASP.NET Core
José María Aguilar - Un vistazo a los patrones relacionales y combinadores, lo nuevo de C# 9 para exprimir el pattern matching
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Code Coverage in .NET
Marinko Spasojevic - WebView2 Flashing when changing TabControl Tabs
Rick Strahl - Bite-Size .NET 6 - DateOnly and TimeOnly
Matthew Jones - Everything That Every .NET Developer Needs To Know About Disposable Types
David Mccarter - Exploring C# 10: Save Space with File-Scoped Namespaces
Dave Brock - Unit Testing Legacy Applications with JustMock
Peter Vogel - 6 Tips for Writing Elegant C# Code
Assis Zang
ASP.NET Core / ASP.NET / Blazor
- Implement a secure API and a Blazor app in the same ASP.NET Core project with Azure AD authentication
Damien Bowden - Building a middleware pipeline with WebApplication
Andrew Lock - Razor Pages Startup in .NET 6
Mike Brind - ASP.NET Core Diagnostic Scenarios
Scott Hanselman
Azure / Cloud
- How to store unstructured data in Azure Cosmos DB with Azure Functions
Michael Crump - Introducing experimental OpenTelemetry support in the Azure SDK for .NET
Pavel Krymets
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- Balanced Trees & Introduction to Self Balancing Trees | Trees
Manas Sinha - Reader as a contravariant functor
Mark Seemann - Clean code tip: use the same name for the same concept
Davide Bellone - How to implement cross cutting concerns with MediatR Pipeline Behaviours
Gary Woodfine - Top Challenges of Automated End-to-End Testing
Dennis Martinez - My TOP Patterns for Event Driven Architecture
Derek Comartin - Code Reuse - What Is It and How Does It Benefit Programmers?
Ashish Parmar
- EF Core Support Improvements in dotConnect for PostgreSQL 7.21 dotConnect team
- Entity Framework Core ConnectionStrings For .NET Apps
Khalid Abuhakmeh
Machine learning / IA / Bots
- Sentiment analysis in an ASP.NET web application with ML.NET
Daniel Gomez Jaramillo
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- JavaScript Jungle: Convert any object to Iterable
Vikas yadav - Function Composition in Javascript
Oğuzhan Olguncu - How to use the FormData object
Jay Cruz - Introducing Syncfusion Angular Code Snippets for Visual Studio Code
Ganesan Rengasamy - The Options for Password Revealing Inputs
Chris Coyier - Conditional Border Radius In CSS
Ahmad Shadeed - Quickly Populate a New JavaScript Array
Elijah Manor - CSS accent-color
David Walsh - Learn How to Build a Single-Page App with Vue and Spring Boot
Andrew Hughes - Creating 3D Characters in Three.js
Michelle Barker - Angular Basics: Data Binding Part 5—Style Binding
Nwose Lotanna Victor - JavaScript Callback Function –Explained in Plain English
Tapas Adhikary - A Guide To CSS Debugging
Stephanie Eckles - 25 JavaScript Tricks You Need To Know About
Elson Correia - CSS in TypeScript with vanilla-extract
Hugh Haworth - What are Higher-Order Functions in JavaScript?
Dmitri Pavlutin - CSS Tips you won't see in most tutorials
Marko Denic - Top 20 JavaScript tips and tricks to increase your Speed and Efficiency
Codelivly - How to merge objects in JavaScript?
Amer Sikira - Composable CSS Animation In Vue With AnimXYZ
Ejiro Asiuwhu
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- IDE as a Service con GitHub Codespaces
Gisela Torres - Visual Studio Code September 2021
VSCode Team - Use Google like a pro
Marko Denic - Converting string output to objects (PowerShell)
Sean Wheeler - Launching Urls in Different Browsers with Browser Launcher
Adam Storr - Branching Strategies in Git
Tobias Günther - Improved Null Pointer Dereference Detection in Visual Studio 2022 version 17.0 Preview 4
Gabor Horvath
- Replicating a Social Profile UI in Xamarin.Forms
Leomaris Reyes - Xamarin Forms: White screen between page push and pop solved
András Tóth - Xamarin.Forms Maps - Getting Location & Radius of User's Input
Toby Field
- Cómo crear usuarios locales en Windows 11 (evitar el uso de cuentas online de Microsoft)
José Manuel Alarcón - Windows 11: A new era for the PC begins today
Panos Panay - Why is the main() function always at address 0x00401000 in a simple program?
Raymond Chen - 20 Things I've Learned in my 20 Years as a Software Engineer
Justin Etheredge
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