lunes, 8 de junio de 2020
El (desconocido, al menos para mí) código de estado HTTP 407 es enviado al cliente cuando la petición que intentó no pudo ser completada debido a que un proxy requiere autenticación. Cuando este error se recibe, viene acompañado de un encabezado Proxy-Authenticate
con información sobre cómo autenticarse.
Y ahora, ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada, que espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Cómo funciona Blazor: otras 7 preguntas y respuestas para conocerlo mejor
José María Aguilar - Crear desplegables desde enums en ASP.NET Core MVC
José María Aguilar - La directiva @helper, ¿reencarnada en ASP.NET Core 3?
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Using Span<T> to Improve Performance of C# Code
Bohdan Stupak - EdDSA for JWT Signing in .NET Core
Scott Brady - RedisProvider for .NET
Kim Johnson - Introducing the Microsoft.FeatureManagement library
Dave Brock - Understanding, Creating, Using and Testing the HttpClient
Daan Acohen - The danger of async/await and .Result in one picture
Konrad Kokosa - Dynamically Build LINQ Expressions
Jeremy Likness - Configuring Errors and Warnings in C#
Derek Comartin - Clustering Non-Numeric Data Using C#
James McCaffrey - Gradually Rollout New Features with Targeting Feature Flags (Microsoft.FeatureManagement)
Jason Roberts - Reusable Build Components with Default Interface Implementations
Matthias Koch - Pack your .NET program to a single .exe file with PostSharp Community
Petr Hudeček - How I Used Brotli to Get Even Smaller CSS and JavaScript Files at CDN Scale
Hamid Sarfraz - Asynchronous Programming With Async And Await
Rikam Palkar
- Añadir Swagger a una Web API con ASP.NET Core 3.1
Jorge Serrano - AutoWrapper 4.2.0 Released!
Vincent Maverick Durano - Getting Started with ASP.NET Core and MongoDB
Marinko Spasojevic - Drawing with the HTML Canvas element in Blazor Server-side
Akshay Srinivasan - Security headers in ASP.NET Core
Gérald Barré - Building an ASP.NET Core Web API application using Entity Developer
Joydip Kanjilal - Customising the ASP.NET Core Identity default UI without editing the PageModels
Andrew Lock - Introducing Blazor WebAssembly – A Client-side Alternative to JavaScript
Andrew Paxinos - Allow optional FormBody in core REST API
Damien Tohin Doumer Kake - BackgroundService Gotcha: Application Lifetime
Stephen Cleary - Fix: ASP.NET Core Blazor and Cloudflare breaks with HTML minifcation
Tobias Zimmergren
Azure / Cloud
- Work with your Azure apps in Visual Studio Codespaces
Michael Crump - Choose Default Mode for the Azure Portal menu
Abhijit Jana
Machine learning / IA / Bots
- Building COVID 19 FAQ ChatBot using Azure Cognitive Services and Azure Bot Framework
Anuraj Parameswaran
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- Deep dive into lazy loading images
Carles Núñez - How to Access Device Cameras with JavaScript (Front and Rear)
Douglas Matoso - Object.freeze vs Object.seal in Javascript
Damien Cosset - Links and JavaScript
Yaser Adel Mehraban - A New Way to Delay Keyframes Animations
Eric Johnson - Overlapping Header with CSS Grid
Jonathan Snook - Rotated Table Column Headers… Now With Fewer Magic Numbers!
Cappie Pomeroy - vs Strict Equality Operator in JavaScript
Dmitri Pavlutin - Chrome 83 Form Element Styles
Chris Coyier - Stranger Things, JavaScript Edition
Juan Cruz Martínez - Adding CSS to a Page via HTTP Headers
Louis Lazaris - On fixed elements and backgrounds
Chen Hui Jing - The top types
in TypeScript
Axel Rauschmayer - Motionia.js - On-demand lightweight animation library!
Abhiprojectz - Logging with Decorators in TypeScript
Ben Seager - 3 Common Misconceptions about JSX
Aivan Monceller - Anatomy of a WebRTC video conference
Stephan Thamm - Hybrid positioning with CSS variables and max()
Lea Verou
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Qué es Git, ventajas e inconvenientes y por qué deberías aprenderlo (bien)
José Manuel Alarcón - Cambiar el atajo de teclado de duplicar línea de código en Visual Studio 2019
Jorge Serrano - Visual Studio 2019 v16.7 Preview 2 Available Today!
Jacqueline Widdis - Fiddler Everywhere v0.10 is Here!
Kamen Velikov - Update code font from Consolas to Cascadia Code with ligature
Dixin Yan - How to change the default shell in Windows Terminal
Gérald Barré - Removing explicit default access modifiers in Visual Studio using EditorConfig
Jiří Činčura - Keep all your packages up to date with Dependabot
Alex Mullans - ReSharper 2020.2 Roadmap
Matt Ellis - 15 Best Visual Studio Code Extensions for Web Developers
Vijayakumar Yoganandan - Test in Production with Fiddler
Rob Lauer
- Consejo rápido: Manejo del modo oscuro en nuestra aplicación iOS
Leomaris Reyes - Code Snippet: Convertir ImageSource de Xamarin.Forms a una Imagen Nativa
Alejandro Ruiz - TinyMvvm 2.2 – Shell Navigation Updates
Daniel Hindrikes - [Solution]: Visual Studio Debugger Not Working in Xamarin Android
Logesh Palani - Create your own circular progress bar using skiasharp
Ahmed Fouad - Fiddler for Xamarin Developers
Sam Basu - White Labeling in Xamarin Forms Applications
Charlin Agramonte - Building and releasing a Xamarin WatchOS app to TestFlight
Damian Meher - Code Snippets for Xamarin.Forms BindableProperty
Marco Siccardi
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