lunes, 4 de febrero de 2019
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Programadores con producción neta negativa (NNPP)
José María Aguilar - ¿Aún usas ToString() para obtener el nombre de los elementos de un enum?
José María Aguilar
.NET / .NET Core
- Announcing .NET Core 3 Preview 2
Rich Lander - Introducing the .NET Community Standup Series
James Montemagno - Generate disassembly of .NET functions
Wojciech Nagórski - Tic Tac Toe Using AI –The Easy Way
George Swan - Designing Data Objects in C#: More examples
Yacoub Massad - yield return await and await foreach geekery
Jiří Činčura - C# 8 using declarations
Kevin Jones - C# Interface: Definition, Examples, Best Practices, and Pitfalls
Phil Vuollet - System.Collections in .NET Core 3.0
Jonathan Allen - WTF Is a Lambda
Jon Hilton - [C#] Have some fun with .net core startup hooks
Kévin Gosse - Dependency Hell
Damian Laczak - Is WPF Still Relevant in 2019?
Claudio Bernasconi - Update on IAsyncDisposable and IAsyncEnumerator
Jonathan Allen - Fixing random, part 1
Eric Lippert
- ASP.NET Core updates in .NET Core 3.0 Preview 2
Daniel Roth - Hosting ASP.NET Core Applications in IIS – A Detailed Look
Brij Bhushan Mishra - Running async tasks on app startup in ASP.NET Core (Part 4 - using health checks)
Andrew Lock - ASP.NET Core: Learning the Ropes, Part 3
Eric Vogel - Customizing ASP.NET Core Part 11: WebHostBuilder
Jürgen Gutsch - Enabling [ApiController] globally in ASP.NET Core 2.2
Filip Woj - Calling JavaScript inside an ASP.NET Core 2.2 application
Matteo Locher - How to Test ASP.NET Core Web API
Chris Woodruff
Azure / Cloud
Diagnosing Memory Leaks in Azure App Services with PerfView
Khalid Abuhakmeh - Taking a peek at Azure Key Vault Part 1 of 2 & Part 2 of 2
Michael Crump - Debug your live apps running in Azure Virtual Machines and Azure Kubernetes
Mark Downie - QnA Maker simplifies knowledge base management for your Q&A bot
Prakul Bansal - Top 5 Open Source Features in Azure Pipelines
Edward Thomson - Serverless API Rest
Fernando Escolar - Trabajar con los blobs de Azure Storage en PHP
Gisela Torres - ACI (Azure Container Instances): Serverless containers
Eduard Tomás
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- ¿Qué significa un problema P o NP?
Eduard Tomás - An opinionated approach of using an async suffix in methods
Luis Ruiz - HTTP/3: From root to tip
Lucas Pardue - Celebrar y agradecer las cosas bien hechas es muy sano
Hugo de Juan - No más condicionales anidados, abraza el patrón estrategia
Carlos Jiménez Delgado
- Paging Large Result Sets with Dapper and SQL Server
David Paquette - A Few Coding Patterns with the MongoDB C# API
Julie Lerman - Lazy Loading with EF Core
Christian Nagel - EF Core Client Side evaluation (and how to stop it)
Nigel Sampson
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- Promise en ECMAScript 6 & Novedades en las funciones en EMACScript 6 & Hacer peticiones con fetch de EMACScript 6 & Async y await en JavaScript con EMACScript 6
Gisela Torres - Future JavaScript: what is still missing?
Axel Rauschmayer - The Many Ways to Change an SVG Fill on Hover (and When to Use Them)
Cassie Evans - Table Design Patterns On The Web
Huijing Chen - Slide an Image to Reveal Text with CSS Animations
Jesper Ekstrom - Expecting the Unexpected — Best practices for Error handling in Angular
Michael Karén - Google Play Store now open for Progressive Web Apps 😱
Maximiliano Firtman - Announcing TypeScript 3.3
Daniel Rosenwasser - JavaScript: Limitar el tiempo de ejecución de una promise
Eduard Tomás
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Visual Studio 2019 Preview 2 release new features
Talking Dotnet - Using Visual Studio Code with Windows Subsystem for Linux
Shun's Vineyard - Crea tu propia página o blog gratis con Jekyll y Github: Parte 1 - Primeros pasos
David Charte - Enhanced in Visual Studio 2019: Search for Objects and Properties in the Watch, Autos, and Locals Windows
Leslie Richardson - Concurrency Code Analysis in Visual Studio 2019
Sunny Chatterjee - How .NET Core Tools Improved in Visual Studio 2019 Preview 2
David Ramel - GuiTestSharp: Multiplatform GUI Testing with dotnet
Sergio L. - Debugging Docker Containers (attaching)
Jeff Chilberto - SourceLink: Depuración de código bajo demanda
Jorge Turrado
- Cómo añadir a tu perfil de LinkedIn tus cursos de campusMVP
CampusMVP -
Script-8: para crear y compartir juegos retro, de código abierto y programados en JavaScript
Alvy - Readers Often Ask Me, “Should I Write a Book?” Here’s My Take
Erik Dietrich - 40 Basic Practices in Assembly Language Programming
Zuoliu Ding - The Intel 80386: Data transfer instructions & Conditional instructions and control transfer & Block operations & Stack frame instructions & Atomic operations and memory alignment
Raymond Chen
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