lunes, 11 de febrero de 2019
Por si te lo perdiste...
- 101 formas de saber que tu proyecto está condenado al fracaso
José María Aguilar - Generar redirecciones HTTP 307 y 308 en ASP.NET Core MVC
José María Aguilar
.NET / .NET Core
Historia de C#
Fernando Escolar - AppSettings.json, an unfortunate name?
Daniel Wertheim - Advanced C# - Dynamic Type
Marinko Spasojevic - C# 8 is fixing interpolated verbatim strings – Developers Anonymous
John Demetriou - An extension method for .NET enumerations that uses the DescriptionAttribute
Jeremy Lindsay - Fixing Random, part 2
Eric Lippert - Working with types in a Roslyn analyzer
Gérald Barré - C# 8: Nullable Reference Types
Dawid Sibiński - C# Futures: Lambda Attributes & Static Delegates and Function Pointers
Jonathan Allen - How many keywords I can fit into a single C# expression?
Jiří Činčura - New Jasper Alpha for HTTP Services
Jeremy D. Miller - Brainstorming - Creating a small single self-contained executable out of a .NET Core application
Scott Hanselman - How to debug .NET Deadlocks (C# Deadlocks in Depth - Part 3)
Michael Shpilt - Cómo guardar "secretos" en nuestras aplicaciones de .NET Core (sin peligro de enviarlos a GitHub por error)
Jorge Turrado
- ASP.NET Core 3.0 App with .NET Core 3.0 preview 2 release
Talking Dotnet - Blazor 0.8.0 experimental release now available
Daniel Roth - Working with Save-Data header in ASP.NET Core
Anuraj Parameswaran - HtmlTableHelper, Mini C# IEnumerable Object to HTML Table String Library
ITWeiHan - Blazored Modal Released
Chris Sainty - An alternative way to secure SPAs (with ASP.NET Core, OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0 and ProxyKit)
Dominick Baier - Hosting ASP.NET Core Applications on IIS : In-process hosting
Brij Bhushan Mishra - Reducing initial request latency by pre-building services in a startup task in ASP.NET Core
Andrew Lock - Inyección de Dependencias en ASP.NET Core – I
Jorge Serrano - Hosting ASP.NET Core on Heroku (with Docker&CircleCI) for free
Ibrahim Šuta - ASP.NET Core: Error de npm al generar una imagen Docker de un proyecto creado con la plantilla de React
Eduard Tomás
Azure / Cloud
- Usar las tablas de Azure Storage en PHP & Usar las colas de mensajes de Azure Storage en PHP Gisela Torres
- Using Artificial Intelligence to Generate Alt Text on Images
Nino Ross Rodriguez - Scaling Web Push Notifications with Azure Functions
Tomasz Pęczek
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- Are CQRS commands part of the domain model?
Vladimir Khorikov - Bounded Context in APIs (1/2)
Javier Gamarra - Life Beyond Distributed Transactions: An Apostate's Implementation - Relational Resources
Jimmy Bogard
- Basic Insert Update and Delete with Dapper & Managing Database Transactions in Dapper
Dave Paquette - Cachalot DB - Very Fast Transactional Database for .NET Applications
Member 13871208 - EF Core Relationships in ASP .NET Core
Shahed Chowdhuri - Creating the Right Database Initializer for Entity Framework
Peter Vogel
Machine learning / IA / Bots
Announcing ML.NET 0.10 – Machine Learning for .NET
César de la Torre-
Deep Dive into Math Behind Deep Networks
Piotr Skalski - A Tour of The Top 10 Algorithms for Machine Learning Newbies
James Le - Decision Trees — An Intuitive Introduction
Prateek Karkare - How to train Neural Network faster with optimizers?
Piotr Skalski - Your First Chatbot using Microsoft’s Bot Framework and Dialogflow API: Day 2 (Bot using Microsoft’s Bot Framework)
Akhil Mittal - Running a Custom Vision project in a local Docker Container
Bruno Capuano
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- Destructuring assignment o extracción de elementos de arrays y objectos en EMACScript 6 & Manipulación de cadenas en EMACScript 6 usando template strings & El operador de propagación de EMACScript 6 & Parámetros Rest en ECMAScript 6
Gisela Torres - What is tree shaking and how does it work?
Ire Aderinokun - Back to Basics: Non-Navigating Links for JavaScript Handling
Rick Strahl - Using the Little-Known CSS element() Function to Create a Minimap Navigator
Preethi - CSS Position Sticky - How It Really Works!
Elad Shechter - A Guide To CSS Support In Browsers
Rachel Andrew - Revisiting the abbr element
Ire Aderinokun - New JavaScript Features That Will Change How You Write Regex
Faraz Kelhini
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Crea tu propia página o blog gratis con Jekyll y Github: Parte 2 - Publicando posts
David Charte - Herramientas de desarrollo: Travis CI
Jorge Turrado - [VS4Mac] Samples Importer, acceder a ejemplos nunca fue más fácil
Javier Suárez - How to Use Azure DevOps Pipelines & Using Environment Variables in Azure DevOps Pipelines
K. Scott Allen - What's New in Visual Studio Code January 2019 Release
David Ramel - A better multi-monitor experience with Visual Studio 2019
Ruben Rios
- 5 Things You'll Love in Xamarin.Forms 3.5 |
David Ortinau
- The Intel 80386: The TEB & The stuff you don’t need to know & Calling conventions & Rescuing a stack trace after the debugger gave up when it reached an FPO function & Common compiler-generated code sequences
Raymond Chen - ¿Qué es un Senior Developer?
Rafael Casuso
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