lunes, 3 de julio de 2017
Tras el subidón de mi séptimo nombramiento como MVP, seguimos con las tradiciones, así que ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Como de costumbre, espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
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.NET/.NET Core
- The week in .NET – .NET Conf, Material Design in XAML Toolkit
Bertrand Le Roy - Sobre NuGet y versiones…
Eduard Tomás - .NET Core: Finding out SDK-, installed runtime-, and Framework Host versions
Iris Classon - Announcing .NET Core 2.0 Preview 2
Rich Lander - Speed of dotnet run vs the speed of dotnet for published apps (plus self-contained .NET Core apps)
Scott Hanselman - Hashing, Encryption and Random in ASP.NET Core
Paul Hiles - Installing Additional App Templates for dotnet new
Steve Smith - Exploring CQRS within the Brighter .NET open source project
Scott Hanselman - .NET Framework June 2017 Cumulative Quality Update for Windows 10
Rick Lander - Performance Improvements in RyuJIT in .NET Core and .NET Framework
Joseph Tremoulet - C# Goes Back to BASICs with Local Functions
Tim Patrick - Generate C# API Documentation with Wyam
Derek Comartin
- Introducing ASP.NET Core 2.0 Preview 2
Jeffrey T. Fritz - Keep your ASP.NET Core secrets safe in production using Azure Application Settings
Jon Hilton - Controller activation and dependency injection in ASP.NET Core MVC
Andrew Lock - Teach Them How To Do ASP.NET MVC Right (And Let Them Figure Out the Rest)
Dino Esposito - Using MessagePack with ASP.NET Core MVC
Filip Woj - ASP.NET Core: No authentication handler is configured to handle the scheme Cookies
Anuraj Parameswaran - Use IServer from ASP.NET Core to create your own web server
Fanie Reynders - Using Protobuf Media Formatters with ASP.NET Core
Damien Bowden - AJAX Without JavaScript
Peter Vogel - Testing ASP.NET Core Controllers in Isolation with Mock Objects and Moq
Jason Roberts
Azure / Cloud
- [Microsoft Bot Framework] Recuperar coordenadas en un bot
Gisela Torres - Machine Learning para principiantes – Capítulo 2: creando el proyecto e importando datos
Gorka Madariaga - Azure Redis Cache Geo-Replication in Public Preview
Ye Gu - .NET AI/ML themed blogs: Building recommendation engine for .NET applications using Azure Machine Learning
Ankit Asthana - Which Azure Database Should I Use for My Serverless Application?
Mark Heath
Conceptos/Patrones/Buenas prácticas
- The HTTP Series (Part 2): Architectural Aspects
Vladimir Pecanac
- Announcing EF Core 2.0 Preview 2
Diego Vega - Manos a la obra con Power BI
Javier Fernández
- Webpack: Caching, Shimming & Splitting
José Antonio Dongil - Browser module loading - can we stop bundling yet?
Sérgio Gomes - Announcing TypeScript 2.4
Daniel Rosenwasser - Move Modal in on a Path
Chris Coyier - From Zero to CRUD in Angular part I & part II
Paul D. Sheriff - Full Page Screenshots in Browsers
Geoff Graham - 9 Exciting Open Source Sass Frameworks
Jake Rocheleau - Form Validation Part 1: Constraint Validation in HTML & Part 2: The Constraint Validation API (JavaScript) & Part 3: A Validity State API Polyfill
Chris Ferdinandi - Stickybits: an alternative to `position: sticky` polyfills
Jeff Wainwright
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
- 7 lesser known hacks for debugging in Visual Studio
Kaycee Anderson - WebMaker: excelente entorno de pruebas Front-End para Chrome, que funciona sin conexión
CampusMVP - Debugging with Chrome in Visual Studio 2017
Shashangka Shekhar - Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.3 Preview
Christine Ruana - My Essential .NET, C#, VB.NET, and Web Dev Tools and Frameworks
Spencer Schneidenbach
- Cómo dejar de ser un "paquete" en diseño: guía de 5 minutos para programadores
CampusMVP - Automation and the Art of Software Maintenance
Erik Dietrich
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