martes, 2 de mayo de 2017
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
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.NET/.NET Core
- The week in .NET – Happy Birthday .NET with Chris Sells, free ASP.NET Core book, We are the Dwarves
Bertrand Le Roy - Contributing to .NET for Dummies
Rion Williams - TDDing into a Fibonacci Sequence in C# & Implementing a Fibonacci Sequence with Value Tuples in C# 7
Jeremy Clark - Spans and ref part 2 : spans
Marc Gravell - Common Multithreading Mistakes in C# - IV: Everything Else
Ben Bowen - Adding a Tool to a .NET Core Build
Samuel Cragg - C# Futures: Read-Only Local Variables & Relaxed Overrides
Jonathan Allen - Making string validation faster by not using a regular expression. A story
Maarten Balliauw - Surprise! Creating an instance of an open generic type
Jon Skeet - Arreglar el error de que falta un ensamblado en el GAC en una aplicación ClickOnce en una aplicación .NET
José Manuel Alarcón - Provide opt-out mechanism for new functionality using AppContext in .NET Core
Hisham Bin Ateya - 3D FaceViewer
Yang Kok Wah - Void-Free Style in C# 7.0
Lukáš Lánský - Using AutoMapper in Domain Objects with DotNet Core
Gary Woodfine
- IIS and ASP.NET Core Rewrite Rules for AspNetCoreModule
Rick Strahl - Extending Tag Helpers in ASP.NET Core Applications
Rion Williams - JWT Validation and Authorization in ASP.NET Core
Mike Rousos - Using ImageSharp to resize images in ASP.NET Core - a comparison with CoreCompat.System.Drawing
Andrew Lock - ASP.NET Core Logging with Azure App Service and Serilog
Mike Rousos - Improvements to Model Binding in ASP.NET Core
Dino Esposito - Reconfiguring CORS policy in ASP.NET Core at runtime
Tomasz Pęczek - Fluent Validation Rules with ASP.NET Core
Cecil Phillip - Goodbye Platform Abstractions!
Hisham Bin Ateya - Client IP in the ASP.NET Core behind a reverse proxy
Michał Dymel - A Stupid Bug and a Plea for Help
Matthew P. Jones - General CSS path transform for ASP.NET bundling
Gunnar Peipman - Using Custom Environments in ASP.NET Core
Dave White & Simon Timms - High-performance .NET by example: Filtering bot traffic
Alexandr Nikitin - Documentación automática en ASP.NET WebApi y soporte para arquitectura en capas
Diego Bersano - ASP.NET Configuration Options Will Understand Arrays
K. Scott Allen
Azure / Cloud
- Penny Pinching in the Cloud: Lift and Shift vs App Services - When a VM in the Cloud isn't what you want
Scott Hanselman - Azure Management Libraries for .NET generally available now
Asir Selvasingh - Invisible o desaparece (Interpretando los tuits)
Isabel Cabezas - Azure Tables–What are They Good For?
Mark Heath - Detecting faces on photos using Microsoft Cognitive Services
Gunnar Peipman - Zero to Azure CLI in Seconds Using Docker
Bobby Johnson
Conceptos/Patrones/Buenas prácticas
- Why does the compiler generate memory operations on the full variable even though only one byte is involved?
Raymond Chen - Stop overusing interfaces
Tor Hovland - Pon un "Referrer Policy" y mejora la seguridad de tu web
Chema Alonso - The Definitive Serialization Performance Guide
Alois Kraus - Application Architecture - What's The Matter With Being STUPID Before Being SOLID
HR Rony
- Announcing TypeScript 2.3
Daniel Rosenwasser - How to Set CSS Margins and Padding (And Cool Layout Tricks)
Baljeet Rathi - Vídeo: El operador Flecha en ECMAScript
Eduard Tomás - Reactive Programming in Angular
Victor Savkin - Angular 4.1.0 Now Available
Stephen Fluin - My highly opinionated guide to setting up the best environment for Angular development
Laurie Atkinson - VueJS: Trabajando con templates & Enlazando clases y estilos
José Antonio Dongil - A Gif Guide to Getting Started with Kendo UI
Tara Z. Manicsic - Now that CSS Custom Properties are a Thing, All Value Parts Can Be Changed Individually
Chris Coyier - How to Use jQuery’s .select() Method
Learning JQuery - Optimizing Web Fonts for Performance: the State of the Art
Maria Antonietta Perna - ES7 Async Await Bible
Peter Chang - Creating Media Queries for Responsive Web Designs
Chris Ward
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
- How to visualize a rebase in the Git Visualization tool & How to do a rebase in Visual Studio
Sara Ford - A Visual Lexicon of LINQ
Michael Sorens - Showing method parameter values in Callstack window
Kamran Bilgrami - Automatically build and deploy ASP.NET Core projects to Azure App Services
Ahmed Metwally
- Add Images Icons And Splash Screen In Xamarin.Forms
Umair Hassan - Using Xamarin Forms with .NET Standard – VS 2017 Edition
Oren Novotny
- Cómo hacer que Windows 10 Creators Update te ayude a liberar espacio en disco constantemente
Gabriela González - How do I kill a program that hung with an always-on-top fullscreen window?
Raymond Chen - The SSH (Secure Shell) port is 22. It is not a co-incidence
Tatu Ylonen
- BatMap
Convention-based, fast object mapper
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