lunes, 6 de febrero de 2017
- The .NET Language Strategy
Mads Torgersen - C#7: Local Functions
Jeff Yates - Pattern Matching in C# 7.0 Case Blocks
Tim Patrick - Typemock o cómo mockear como un campeón.
Leo Micheloni - When Is Easter?
John Simmons - Dissecting the new() constraint in C#: a perfect example of a leaky abstraction
Sergey Teplyakov - The week in .NET – On .NET on public speaking, ndepend, CrazyCore, The Perils of Man
Bertrand Le Roy - Creating a portable and embedded Chocolatey Package
Rick Strahl - Application Insights telemetry processors
Maarten Balliauw - Build Your Own ASP.NET Cache with WeakReferences
Peter Vogel - Get Started with Unit Testing – using xUnit and Moq
Rushfive - Short-circuit Evaluation in C#
Shamseer K.
.NET Core / ASP.NET Core
- .NET Core 2.0 Changes – 5 Things to Know
Matt Watson - Notes from the ASP.NET Community Standup –January 24, 2017
Maria Naggaga - Logging using DiagnosticSource in ASP.NET Core
Andrew Lock - .NET Core List, Queue, and Dictionary Data Structures backed by Couchbase
Matthew Groves - Triple A File Uploads with Azure, ASP.NET Core and Angular
Ed Charbeneau - Telerik Reporting and ASP.NET Core
Stefania Tapela - Log Colorization using ColorizedConsoleLoggerProvider
Hisham Bin Ateya - January 2017 Update for ASP.NET Core 1.1
Rick Lander - Comparing ASP.NET Core IoC container service lifetimes with Autofac IoC container instance scopes
César de la Torre - Using the ASP.NET Core Script TagHelper to Polyfill The Latest JavaScript Features
Scott Sauber - Error Handling in ASP.NET Core
Dustin Moris - Announcing .NET Core, .NET Native and NuGet Updates in VS 2017 RC
Rich Lander - Build and Deploy Your ASP.NET Core Application with Apache
Jeffrey T. Fritz
Azure / Cloud
- 22 tips to lower Azure pricing and optimize hosting costs
Matt Watson - Bot con reconocimiento de imágenes
Daniel Ortiz
Conceptos/Patrones/Buenas prácticas
- Dependency rejection
Mark Seemann - Microservices architecture
Herberto Graca - Controlando las interrupciones, uno de los mayores destructores de productividad
Javier Garzás - Are private methods a code smell?
Carlos Schults
- Entity Framework with Google Cloud SQL
Rachel Hagerman - Shadow Properties – Otros ejemplos de uso
Unai ZorrillaHtml/Css/Javascript Understanding the Critical Rendering Path
Ire Aderinokun- CSS Pseudo-classes: :not() and :target
Tiffani Brown - Announcing TypeScript 2.2 RC
Daniel Rosenwasser - More HTML5 Semantics: Changes to Existing Features
Louis Lazaris - ES6: Las promesas
José Antonio Dongil - 10 Lodash Features You Can Replace with ES6
Dan Prince - How Flexbox works — explained with big, colorful, animated gifs
Scott Domes - Implementing “Save For Offline” with Service Workers
Una Kravets - CSS Grid – Table layout is back. Be there and be square
Das Surma - Intro to Vue.js: Rendering, Directives, and Events & Components, Props, and Slots & Vuex & Animations
Sarah Drasner - Upgrade the web. Automatically
Jonathan Neal & co. - Write End-to-End Tests for Your Angular 2 Applications With Protractor
Caleb McElrath - The Media Object, A Bunch of Ways
Chris Coyier
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
- Some Visual Studio Tips and Tricks
Erik Dietrich - Scaling Git (and some back story)
Brian Harry - Announcing GVFS (Git Virtual File System)
Saeed Noursalehi - Spark on Windows
Mallanagouda Patil - Visual Studio Code January 2017 update
Visual Studio Code Team - Updates to Web Tools in Visual Studio 2017 RC
Andrew B. Hall
- TypeLITE: Generate TypeScript interfaces from .NET classes
Lukas Kabrt (vía @carlos_lande)
- Run an EXE from Web Application
Suraj Sahoo - Microsoft MVP Award Evolution: More Agile, New Benefits!
MVP Award - Considering How We Use HTTP/2 & Using HTTP/2 Responsibly: Adapting for Users
Jeremy Wagner - What facts should be resident in a developer’s head?
Ayende Rahien - HTTPS adoption has reached the tipping point
Troy Hunt
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