lunes, 27 de febrero de 2017
- The week in .NET – On .NET with Beth Massi, NeinLinq
Bertrand Le Roy - A common execution path optimization
Sergey Teplyakov - Easy text parsing in C# with Sprache
Thomas Levesque - Finding Nearest Colors using Euclidean Distance
Richard James Moss - What's new in FakeItEasy 3.0.0?
Thomas Levesque - xUnit 2.2 released
xUnit Team
- Let’s Try WCF Self-Hosted Services in a Container
Jeffrey T. Fritz - Debug Client Side JavaScript in ASP.NET
Dirk Strauss
.NET Core / ASP.NET Core
- Hosting ASP.NET Core applications on Heroku using Docker
Anuraj Parameswaran - Real-Time ASP .NET Core
Radu Matei - Under the hood of the Middleware Analysis package
Andrew Lock - AttributeAuthorization with Custom Roles in ASP.NET Core
Mosti16 - Aspect oriented programming with ASP.NET Core
Anuraj P. - ReSharper, .NET Core and unit testing
Matt Ellis - Integrate JavaScript Logging with ASP.NET Core Logging APIs
Hisham Bin Ateya - .NET Core Ecosystem - My thoughts
Malisa Ncube - Overriding ASP.NET Core Framework-Provided Services
David Pine - How to use Log4Net with ASP.NET Core for logging
Anuraj P. - Running ASP.NET Core applications in Azure App Service
Adrian Hall
Azure / Cloud
- DocumentDB Caching Tips
Derek Comartin - Azure App Service Secrets and Web Site Hidden Gems
Scott Hanselman - Azure Weekly: Feb 20, 2017
Build Azure - Azure Functions Proxies Preview & Cross Function App Proxies and Proxy Request Parameters
Jason Roberts
Conceptos/Patrones/Buenas prácticas
Programación orientada a psicópatas
Miguel Ángel Bueno- Necessary Comments
Robert C. Martin - What’s in a Name? Spelling Matters in Code
Erik Dietrich - Just Enough Set Theory – When Sets Collide (Part 3 of 3)
Hideous Humpback Freak - Goto considered useful
Muni - Building a Reactive Mindset
Florina Muntenescu - OAuth2 Framework explained with examples
Livio Francescucci
- Generación de SQL – ToleSQL
Javier Ros
- Image Processing in Javascript
Tine - Angular vs React: Feature Comparison of JS Tools
ThinkMobiles - An Animated Intro to RxJS
David Khourshid - Dwitter: el poderío y minimalismo de JavaScript
Alvy (Microsiervos) - Deep dive CSS: font metrics, line-height and vertical-align
Vicent De Oliveira - HTML5 Forms: New Controls
Alexis Goldstein, Louis Lazaris & Estelle Weyl - A Trick: Individual CSS Transform Functions
Dan Wilson - Getting started with the Web Share API
Dean Hume - Announcing TypeScript 2.2
Daniel Rosenwasser - From ng-controller to Component Classes
Lukas Ruebbelke - How To Use Shadows And Blur Effects In Modern UI Design
Nick Babich - A Detailed Introduction To Webpack
Joseph Zimmerman - Open Your Data Up to Bots Using Microdata
Alexis Goldstein, Louis Lazaris & Estelle Weyl - HTTP/2 – A Real-World Performance Test and Analysis
David Attard - Responsive CSS Patterns without Media Queries
Andy Kirk - Programación Funcional en JavaScript: La memoización
José Antonio Dongil - Modernizr: añadiendo soporte de características modernas a navegadores antiguos (Parte 1)
Alberto Población - JavaScript Fatigue Makes Me Scream
Dave M. Bush - TypeScript 2.1: Untyped Imports
Marius Schulz - Your First Angular 2, ASP.NET Core Project in Visual Studio Code – Part 6
Aaron Marisi - Javascript without loops
James Sinclair
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
- Por qué Chrome y Firefox no me dejan conectarme a ciertos puertos y cómo evitarlo
CampusMVP - State of the union: ReSharper C# 7 and VB.NET 15 support
Maarteen Balliauw - Novedades de Visual Studio 2017: Intellisense Filtering
Leo Micheloni
- Introduction to Ionic 2
Wernher-Bel Ancheta
- Zork (en Español) - Bot
Fernando Escolar - GAMBADAS: ¿Por qué los drivers oficiales de Windows son todos del año 2006?
CampusMVP - The Software Developer Interview Protocol
Nick Piscopio - Psychic debugging: Why does opening a command prompt always print a weird error message?
Raymond Chen - Escalar el equipo técnico en una startup
Javi Santana - Announcing the first SHA1 collision
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