martes, 3 de mayo de 2016
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
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- Building strongly typed application configuration utility with Roslyn
Filip Woj - Background Tasks in .NET
Derek Comartin - The week in .NET – 4/27/2016
Bertrand Le Roy - Choosing The Right Collection
Arthur Minduca - The .NET of Tomorrow
Ed Charbeneau - Serializing JSON Data into Binary Form
Mahesh Sabnis - Thread.Sleep in Tests Is Evil
Steve Smith - netstandard–El “estándar” que viene
Eduard Tomás
- Autorización en WebApi… ¿y si fuera como la de Asp.Net Core 1.0?
Hugo Biarge - WebForms can Gulp too – Using Node Tools with ASP.NET WebForms
Jeffrey T. Fritz - How to create a Real-Time Twitter Stream with SignalR
Jonathan Danylko - File order matters with TypeScript inheritance
Laurie Atkinson - Route-friendly localization of ASP.NET MVC 5
Dmitriy Arh - Qué es el ConnectionId en SignalR y para qué nos sirve?
Diego Bersano
- Integration testing your .NET Core app with an in memory database
Stefan Hendriks - Angular 2 localization with ASP.NET Core MVC Service
Damienbod - Notes from the ASP.NET Community Standup – April 26, 2016
Jeffrey T. Fritz - End to end testing angular js apps with XUnit and Protractor.Net
Anuraj P. - GitHub Authentication with ASP.NET Core
James Chambers - Chirp- A Twitter Clone using ASP.NET Core
Steve Fallon - A development workflow with Docker and .NET Core
Christian Jacobsen - Implementing an ASP.NET Core RC1 Logging Provider
Shawn Wildermuth - ASP.NET Core Needs a Logo
Shayne Boyer
Azure / Cloud
- Crear recursos con Azure CLI (Microsoft Cross-Platform Command Line Tools)
Gisela Torres - Introducing Azure Cool Blob Storage
Sriprasad Bhat
Conceptos/Patrones/Buenas prácticas
- One Weird Trick To Improve Web Performance
Nik Molnar
- 10 things to know about DocumentDB Partitioned Collections
Aravind Ramachandran - DocumentDB now supports Time-To-Live (TTL)
Kirat Pandya - Implementing Missing Features in Entity Framework Core – Part 3
Ricardo Peres
- AngularJS 2
Sahil Malik - Webpack: Gestión integrada y eficiente de tus assets
Ricardo Borillo - A Look at ES6 Maps
Jaime González García - TypeScript won
Basarat Ali Syed - React: The Component Lifecycle
Kirupa Chinnathambi - Improving the Quality of Your CSS with PostCSS
Pavels Jelisejevs - Create a WYSIWYG Editor With the contentEditable Attribute
Monty Shokeen - El modo estricto de JavaScript: qué es y para qué sirve
José Manuel Alarcón - Prototypal Object-Oriented Programming using JavaScript
Mehdi Maujood - CRUD, Paging, Sorting, Searching with AngularJS in MVC
Sahil Saini - All the Ways to Add CSS to Angular 2 Components
Chris Nwamba - Yes, I Used JQuery In My Angular2 Application
Dave Baskin
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
- 5 Performance Tweaks for Visual Studio 2015 and large solutions
Marcell Spies - JavaScript support improvements in recent ReSharper releases
Anton Lobov - Visual Studio Code for Developers Productivity
Ganesan Senthilvel - Announcing NuGet 3.4.3
Harikrishna Menon
- News from Xamarin Evolve: What’s next for Visual Studio and Xamarin
Amanda Silver - Live from Evolve: Faster and Easier Mobile App Development with Xamarin.Forms
Jason Smith - Live From Evolve: Open Source Xamarin, Ready for you!
Miguel de Icaza - The future of mobile app development
Nat Friedman
- Si Cervantes entrevistase sobre .NET...
Marino Posadas - Do Experienced Programmers Use Google Frequently?
Umer Mansoor -
Bruno Capuano
- Being A Developer After 40
Adrian Kosmaczewski
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