lunes, 30 de mayo de 2016
- The week in .NET – 5/24/2016
Bertrand Le Roy - Indexers in C#
Abhi Jain - FakeItEasy 2.0.0 released
Blair Conrad - 3 Ways to Loop Without do/do-while/for/foreach/etc...
Nick Chamberlain - Open sourcing ReSharper’s external annotations
Matt Ellis
- How to Build a Search Page with Elasticsearch and .NET
- Ryszard Seniuta
- Running multiple ASP.NET Web API pipelines side by side
Filip Woj - Transforming existing MVC application to work as Single Page Application (SPA)
Aurimas - 3 ways to keep your ASP.NET MVC controllers thin
Jon Hilton - Eventos de conexión en SignalR
Diego Bersano - Creating a Responsive WebGrid in ASP.NET MVC
Jonathan Danylko
.NET Core / ASP.NET Core
- ASP.NET Core : Getting Clean with SOAP
Shayne Boyer - Announcing WCF Connected Service for .NET Core RC2 and ASP.NET Core RC2
Miguel Lacouture - Making it easier to port to .NET Core
Immo Landwerth - RC means something
Hadi Hariri - .NET Core is Boiling the Ocean
Aaron Stannard - ASP.NET Core RC2 Using WEB API And AngularJS
Toan Manh Nguyen - Released SQL Localization Nuget package for ASP.NET Core
Damienbod - Building a Static File Server in ASP.NET Core RC2 with the CLI
Bobby Johnson - Write your first .NET Core Library
Thomas Stringer - How to Target netcoreapp and net461 from ASPNET Core & How To Specify Framework When Running ASPNET Core Apps
Steve Smith - Changes to Project.json
Scott Hunter - Moving to ASP.NET Core RC2: Tooling
Tugberk Ugurlu - Try the DevExtreme TagHelpers for ASP.NET Core RC2 - (Now Available)
Mehul Harry - Strongly Typed Configuration Settings in ASP.NET Core
Rick Strahl - .NET Core RC2 is out and where do we go from here
Hrvoje Hudoletnjak - ASP.NET Core Distributed Cache Tag Helper
Dave Paquette
Azure / Cloud
- Announcing general availability of Azure DevTest Labs
Xiaoying Guo - Diagnose and resolve issues with Azure Troubleshooting
Ritesh Garodia - LUIS and the Bot Framework: A Natural Language Match
Joe Mayo - Announcing: Motion detection for Azure Media Analytics
Richard Li Azure / Cloud - Ayuda a tu bot a entender comandos con LUIS &
¿Tu bot va lento después de un tiempo sin actividad? Habilita Always On en tus bots en Azure App Service &
Integrar Microsoft Bot Framework con Telegram &
Monitoriza tus bots con Application Insights
Gisela Torres (has estado ocupada, eh? ;D)
Conceptos/Patrones/Buenas prácticas
- 10 Remedial Design Pointers for Developers
Ian Yates - The Plain Simple Password Page Not So Simple Anymore
Dino Esposito - Hacking an Insecure Login Form
Max R McCarty
- SQL Server Performance Tuning Tip - Index Foreign Key Columns
Mike Eastland - Unicorn 2.0 is Released!
Haifeng Li - SQL Query Plans Each Developer Should Know
Akshay Phadke - How To Use Stored Procedure With Dapper In ASP.NET MVC
Vithal Wadje - Reset Entity Framework migrations
Morten Anderson - Simplify performance tuning and troubleshooting with Azure SQL Database
Vladimir Ivanovic
- Debug JavaScript With These 14 Tips
Freyja Spaven - JavaScript: The Semicolon Debate
Adam Sanderson - The Internet of the Future ? SEO Friendly Single Page Web Apps with Angular 2 Universal
Angular Academy - HTML y CSS: El "extraño" comportamiento de las cajas anidadas
José Manuel Alarcón - Considerations for styling the < pre > tag
Chris Coyier - About object-oriented design and the “class” & “extends” keywords in TypeScript / ES6
Wolk Software - Style Or Format JSON Data In JQuery
Sibeesh Venu - Front End Development after Internet Explorer
Adrian Sandu - Stylelint: The Style Sheet Linter We’ve Always Wanted
Aleks Hudochenkov - An Introduction to the Basics of Modern CSS Buttons
Jack Rometty - JS: attribute vs. property
Lucy Bain (vía @andoniarroyo) - How to upgrade AngularJS apps to AngularJS 2.0 ?
Rachit Agarwal - Injecting a Line Break
Chris Coyier - 5 Considerations Before Starting That WebRTC Project
Martin W. Brennan - CSS coding techniques
Belén Albeza - Six nifty ES6 tricks
Axel Rauschmayer
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
- “Initialize Interactive with Project”– Run Interactive with context to Project–Visual Studio 2015
Abhijit Jana - Debugging AngularJS in Visual Studio 2015
Timmy Kokke - ReSharper Ultimate 2016.1.2 is here
Daria Dovzhikova - How to keep packages folder out of TFVC
Donovan Brown
- Windows Containers on Windows 10
Neil Peterson - Resolviendo el acertijo de Einstein
Juan María Hernández
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4 Comentarios:
Siii! Un poco ocupada :) ¡Gracias por compartir!
:D Gracias a ti por tus publicaciones, y por comentar aquí!
Hay una "review" muy buena sobre el código de Doom:
Muchas gracias por la aportación, Lucas!
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