martes, 9 de mayo de 2023

Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Cómo mostrar por consola las líneas que se van añadiendo a logs o archivos de texto, en tiempo real
José María Aguilar - Métodos condicionales en .NET
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- C# Record Type: Nondestructive Mutation, Equality, DTOs, and More
Bradley Wells - Verifying your DI Container
Steven Giesel - Reading Windows Application Manifest of an exe in .NET
Gérald Barré - Calling internal ctors in your unit tests”
Phil Haack - Using sizeof() Operator in C#
Code Maze - How to Create a Custom Slack Bot with .NET 7
Daniel Donbavand - How to convert audio to different formats using C# and FFmpeg
Niels Swimberghe - Dot Net Office : Top Microsoft NuGet Packages in 2023
Dot Net Office - Prevent a Hangfire job from running when it is already active
Tim Deschryver - Controlling the log level of your application
Steven Giesel
ASP.NET Core / ASP.NET / Blazor
- Seguridad mTLS en ASP.NET Core
Fernando Escolar - How to Get the Remote Host IP Address in ASP.NET Core Web API
Code Maze - Running Vite with ASP.NET Core Web Applications
Khalid Abuhakmeh - Real-time charts with Blazor, SignalR and ApexCharts
Daniel Genezini - Uploading Large Files in ASP.NET Core
Code Maze - Tips for Migrating from Web Forms to Razor Pages
Manish Gupta - Minimal API growing with .NET 7
Christian Nagel - What happens when you navigate to the "same page" in Blazor?
Jon Hilton - Column Pinning: The Efficient Way to Organize Columns in the Blazor DataGrid
Maithiliy K.
Azure / Cloud
- Amazon SQS for .NET Developers: Getting Started Easily with Queues & Messaging
Mukesh Murugan - Connecting an App Service to Azure SQL Database and Storage Account using Azure CLI
Daniel Favour - Create a chatbot in the console with Azure OpenAI and C#
Niels Swimberghe
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- Application security context models
Damien Bowden - Rules of Thumb for Software Development Estimations
Vadim Kravcenko - SOLID or COLDS?
Mark Seemann - Binary Tree Traversal
Kirupa Chinnathambi - What’s the “unit” in unit testing and why is it not a class
Dennis Doomen - How Are Nullables Different From Mocks?
James Shore
- When Your DbContext Has The Wrong Scope
Phil Haack - Redis Performance Tuning: How to Optimize Redis for High-Traffic Applications
Jatin Sharma - SQL performance tuning
Pedro Marques - Sending MediatR Notifications Immediately After Saving an Entity with Entity Framework Core
Bryan Hogan
Machine learning / IA / Bots
- Announcing Copilot Chat
Shannon Monroe
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- WebAsssembly: acelerando y creando nuevas posibilidades en desarrollo Web
CampusMVP - Angular v16 is here!
Minko Gechev - What's New in DevTools (Chrome 114)
Sofia Emelianova & Jecelyn Yeen - JavaScript DOM Manipulation Cheat Sheet
Divya Dev - How Array.prototype.sort() works?
Bekmurzin Timur - JavaScript import maps are now supported cross-browser
Thomas Steiner - What is the purpose of the Second Parameter in creating an Angular Signal?
Dhananjay Kumar - Why JavaScript Developers Should Use the Debugger Instead of Console.log
Emmanuel Gautier - Record Type in TypeScript
Dmitri Pavlutin - 5 Must-Have Angular Grid Column-Based Features
Zdravko Kolev - The universal CSS * selector isn't actually universal
Salma Alam-Naylor - Managing Dates, Times and Time Zone Using Moment.js
Vishal Singh - HTMX is the Future
Chris James - Native AOT libraries with TypeScript
Eric Sink - An Introduction to the :has() Selector in CSS
Stephanie Eckles
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Announcing a new version of the .NET Upgrade Assistant with support for .NET MAUI and Azure Functions!
Olia Gavrysh - Visual Studio Code April 2023
VSCode Team - Sending and Receiving GMail Email Attachments that contain Code or Binaries
Rick Strahl - Web API development in Visual Studio 2022
Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi - Microsoft Designer: Get inspired with new AI features
Bryan Rognier - Visual Studio–Generate C# client for OpenAPI
Bart Wullems
.NET MAUI / Xamarin
- Migration of Xamarin Libraries and Apps to .NET 6.0/7.0
Tomasz Cielecki - MAUI/Xamarin iOS App Store Publishing with one Command
The First Prototype - Creating Accessible Apps with Semantics in .NET MAUI
Leomaris Reyes
- The beginning of the end of the password
Christiaan Brand & Sriram Karra - The weird world of Windows file paths
Erik Jälevik
Por cierto, la semana próxima estaré de viaje y no tendremos enlaces. Espero que podáis resistirlo 😉
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