lunes, 11 de julio de 2022
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- AddMvc(), AddControllers(), AddControllersWithViews(), AddRazorPages()... ¿qué es todo eso?
José María Aguilar - Inicialización rápida de objetos en C# 3.0 y VB.Net 9.0
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- ¿Depende el ecosistema de .NET de Microsoft?
Iván Montilla - CoreWCF 1.1.0 and project templates
Sam Spencer - A Practical Guide to Higher Order Functions in C#
Sam Walpole - Async Enumerable in C# (Part 3)
Mark Heath - Finding the maximum value in an array using vectorization
Gérald Barré - Using the new INumber type to generify math functions in .NET 7
Pierre Bouillon - Lightweight Mathematical Permutations Using C#
James McCaffrey - Returning XML from minimal APIs in .NET 6
Andrew Lock - How to solve InvalidOperationException for constructors using HttpClientFactory in C#
Davide Bellone - HttpClient vs RestSharp - Which One to Use in .NET
Code Maze - Low Code Ceremony Sagas with Jasper & Marten
Jeremy D. Miller - Understanding the Stack and Heap in C#
Liam Mooney - Instrumenting .NET with OpenTelemetry
Sly Gryphon - Add an Infinispan cache to your ASP.NET application
Vittorio Rigamonti - Making production diagnostics easier with Source Link
Mark Downie
ASP.NET Core / ASP.NET / Blazor
- ASP.NET Core: Creando un Chat con SignalR y Angular
Isaac Ojeda - Add Fido2 MFA to an OpenIddict identity provider using ASP.NET Core Identity
Damien Bowden - How to Resolve Instances With ASP.NET Core DI
Code Maze - Micro Frontends in Action With ASP.NET Core - Composition via YARP Transforms and Server-Side Includes (SSI)
Tomasz Pęczek - Minimal API Validation with FluentValidation
Khalid Abuhakmeh - Building a quick Reddit Blazor client without Reddit's API
Thomas Ardal - Back to Basics: Custom HTTP Response Header Manipulation in ASP.NET Core
Rick Strahl - Building Minimal API endpoints from EF Core DbContext
Anuraj Parameswaran - Blazor Routing: An Overview
Bhagya Vithana - Tag Helper for Display Templates
Phil Haack - Lift & Shift Existing Chrome Extension to Blazor WebAssembly
Justin Yoo
Azure / Cloud
- Azure gratis: cómo utilizar la nube de Microsoft sin gastar ni un euro
CampusMVP - Convertir una tabla en Excel en JSON con Azure Functions y Python
Gisela Torres - Working with Database First Approach in Entity Framework Core
Anuraj Parameswaran
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- Sobre el prefijo I en las interfaces...
Eduard Tomás - Consistency between Cache and Database, Part 1
ChunTing Wu - Strategies to Handle Transient Faults in Web APIs
Ioannis Kyriakidis - Get and Put State
Mark Seemann - SOLID Principles in C#
Steven Giesel - Fundamental Software Architectural Patterns
Williams O. - Distributed systems evolution: message contracts
Mauro Servienti - Blocking or Non-Blocking API calls?
Derek Comartin - Is keeping dates in UTC really the best solution?
Oskar Dudycz - Abstract class vs interface
Steven Giesel
- Improve scalability with Buffer Pool Parallel Scan in SQL Server 2022
David Pless - Attach and Detach LocalDB Databases
Mark Heath - Integration Testing With In-Memory Entity Framework
Paul Michaels
Machine learning / IA / Bots
- Implementing Simple Neural Network in C#
Nikola M. Zivkovic
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- How to vertically center text and HTML elements with CSS & How to make a div the same height as the browser window
Johnny Simpson - The dark side of Record in TypeScript
Taras Zubyk - Pure Functions and Side Effects in JavaScript
Leonardo Maldonado - JavaScript generators ELI5
Pramit Marattha - Converting and Formatting Dates and Time Zones with JavaScript
Shawn Stern - How to Implement Infinite Scrolling With JavaScript
Jemima Abu - Executing shell commands from Node.js
Axel Rauschmayer - Defensive CSS
Ahmad Shadeed - The mystery of React Element, children, parents and re-renders
Nadia Makarevich - Detect object changes with JavaScript Proxy
Chris Bongers - What is Nullish Coalescing (or ??) in Javascript
Johnny Simpson
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- The Visual Studio Code Server
Brigit Murtaugh - TIL: Visual Studio Code does markdown autocompletion for in-page links
Christian Heilmann - Taking My New GitHub Copilot 'AI Pair Programmer' for a Spin
David Ramel - VSCode – Thunder Client, excellent alternative to Postman for HTTP Requests @Code
Bruno Capuano
Xamarin / .NET MAUI
- Introducción a .NET MAUI
Miguel Teherán - MAUI Beach - Updating to .NET MAUI GA
Dave Murray - MAUI UI July - Replicating F1TV app
Andreas Nesheim - Introducing 24 Built-In .NET MAUI Value Converters
Selva Ganapathy Kathiresan - Xamarin.Forms/MAUI CollectionView performance issue: it's your own damn fault.
Jean-Marie Alfonsi - Creating a TreeView control in .NET MAUI
Luis Beltran - Introducing the New .NET MAUI DataGrid Control
Neelakandan Kannan - Replicating Pet Adoption UI in .NET MAUI
Leomaris Reyes - Making a TabBar or SegmentedControl in .NET MAUI
David Ortinau
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