lunes, 31 de enero de 2022
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Declaración de espacios de nombre en una línea con file-scoped namespaces de C#10
José María Aguilar - Índices y rangos en C# 8 (2 de 2)
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Announcing .NET Community Toolkit v8.0.0 Preview 1
Sergio Pedri - C# 10 (Two Decades of C#: A Reference) • Ben Bowen's Blog
Ben Bowen - Dependency Injection in .NET 6
Matthew Jones - Awaiting an async void method in .NET
Gérald Barré - Simple WebSocket client and server application using .NET
Jiří Činčura - Top-Level Statements in C#
Marinko Spasojevic - Bulk download from Azure Blob Storage with C#
Thomas Ardal - Using Guard Clauses in .NET
Charlin Agramonte - Solving the source generator 'marker attribute' problem - Part 1: Creating a source generator
Andrew Lock - Colors in .NET: An In-Depth Guide
Peter Huber - Difference Between int.Parse() and Convert.ToInt32() in C#
Marinko Spasojevic - Raising Coding Standards with .NET 6.0 Code Analyzers
Ian Griffiths - Switch Expression with Multiple Cases That Return the Same Result in C#
Marinko Spasojevic - Using OAuth 2.0 with LINQ to Twitter
Joe Mayo - Everything You Want to Know About the Record Type in .NET: Performance
David McCarter - De-mystifying Linq
Steve Fenton - How to collect return values from Parallel.ForEach?
Patrick Smacchia - How to Create a PNG File from a Web Page in C#
Roland Weigelt - Validating Objects With FluentValidation
Assis Zang - 6 .NET Myths Dispelled-Celebrating 21 Years of .NET
Charles Chen - How to Use Serilog in ASP.NET Core Web API
Claudio Bernasconi - .NET 6 Register Services using Reflection
Tom Fletcher
ASP.NET Core / ASP.NET / Blazor
- ASP.NET Core: Servidor de Autenticación con OpenID Connect
Isaac Ojeda - Performance improvements in ASP.NET Core 6
Brennan Conroy - Microsoft Feature Management - Feature Flags in ASP.NET Core
Sanjay M. - .NET Watch Launch Setting Profile For ASP.NET Core
Khalid Abuhakmeh - A Few (too many?) Ways of Setting the Kestrel Ports in .NET 6
Bryan Hogan
Azure / Cloud
- How to extract information from receipts with Azure Form Recognizer
Michael Crump - Getting started with Durable Functions
Stephanie Lee
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- Fundamentals of Garbage Collection
Leonardo Maldonado - Event Sourcing vs Event Driven Architecture
Derek Comartin - Web API DTO Considerations
Steve Smith
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- Trailing Slashes on URLs: Contentious or Settled?—
Zach Leatherman - JavaScript Memory Model Demystified
Zheng Hao - ECMAScript proposal: grouping Arrays via
Axel Rauschmayer - Getting Started With CSS Cascade Layers
Stephanie Eckles - CSS-only External Link Favicons—
Zach Leatherman - 8 Ways to Cycle Through Classes on an Element
Chris Coyier - Fancy CSS Borders Using Masks
Temani Afif - 8 Best Free Open-Source JavaScript Timelines
Monty Shokeen - How to Make a Scroll-Triggered Animation With Basic JavaScript
Md Shuvo - Master Generics In Typescript
Nicos Tsourektsidis - Pure and Impure Functions in JavaScript: A Complete Guide
Ravindu Shehan Perera - Demystifying TypeScript Discriminated Unions
Adam Rackis - Simplify Building Vue Applications with NuxtJS
Nickolas Fisher - Angular Basics: Beginner Guide to Angular Router
Nwose Lotanna Victor - A pipe operator for JavaScript: introduction and use cases
Axel Rauschmayer - The CSS from-font Value Explained in 4 Demos
Silvestar Bistrović - Locks in JavaScript, because why not?
Jack Pordi
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Usar pre-commit git hook con GitGuardian para escanear secretos
Gisela Torres - Code search in Visual Studio 2022 is about to get much faster
Denizhan Yigitbas - Visual Studio 2022 for Mac Preview 5
Jordan Matthiesen - Did you know - You can now AutoSave Files in Visual Studio 2022?
Abhijit Jana
Xamarin / .NET MAUI
- Organice su archivo .NET MAUI MauiProgram / Startup
Luis Matos - Learning about Clipboard in Xamarin Forms
Leomaris Reyes - Calculating distance between your device and a location with .NET MAUI
Andreas Nesheim - .NET MAUI - Exploring Overlays
Michael Ridland - Replicating Boarding Pass UI in Xamarin Forms
Leomaris Reyes - Draw and Save Signatures in Xamarin.Forms applications
Dobrinka Yordanova - Platform Specific Code using Partial Classes in .NET MAUI
Dave Murray - Uber Clone App using State Machine in Xamarin Forms
Rendy del Rosario
- Cómo la app “SaludAndalucía” generó y subsanó un problema de niveles de seguridad de acceso a datos
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