lunes, 15 de febrero de 2021
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Cómo invocar métodos estáticos C# desde Javascript con Blazor (interop 2/3)
José María Aguilar - ¿Es mi biblioteca portable a .NET Core?
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- An Introduction to Channels in C# & What's the Difference between Channel<T> and ConcurrentQueue<T> in C#?
Jeremy Clark - C#/WinRT Authoring Preview and Updates
Angela Zhang - Polymorphic deserialization with System.Text.Json
Josef Ottosson - ICYMI C# 8 New Features: Simplify If Statements with Property Pattern Matching
Jason Roberts - Tiny top-level programs with C# 9 and SmallSharp and Visual Studio
Scott Hanselman - Better refactoring for Unity projects using .NET analyzers
John Miller - Staying safe with .NET containers
Richard Lander - Building A Custom Event Hubs Event Processor with .NET
Matt Ellis - Creating a Windows Service with C#/.NET5
Alexandre Zollinger Chohfi - How to Unit Test Existing C# Apps? Easy—With a Mocking Tool
Viktoria Grozdancheva
ASP.NET Core / ASP.NET / Blazor
- Secure Azure AD User File Upload with Azure AD Storage and ASP.NET Core
Damien Bowden - Styles of Writing ASP.NET Core Middleware
Steve Collins - Blackjack in Blazor Part 4 - Putting it All Together
Matthew Jones - How to deploy Blazor WebAssembly to Netlify
Niels Swimberghe - Upload Files to Azure with .NET Core Web API and Blazor WebAssembly & Download Files from Azure with .NET Core Web API and Blazor WebAssembly
Marinko Spasojevic - Using HTMX with ASP.NET Core: Deleting items with a page refresh
Jerrie Pelser - Using source generators to find all routable components in a Blazor WebAssembly app
Andrew Lock - Building Realtime applications on Angular with ASPNET Core and SignalR
Anuraj Parameswaran - Watch for changes in Blazor WASM to automatically reload your page
Pieter Nijs - ASP.NET CORE 5: Implement Web API Pagination with HATEOAS Links
Vincent Maverick Durano - Rate limiting API requests with ASP.NET Core and AspNetCoreRateLimit
Thomas Ardal - Open-source HTTP API packages and tools
Brady Gaster
Azure / Cloud
- Azure App Service - Enable the Health Check
Anuraj Parameswaran - Azure Defender for App Service introduces dangling DNS protection
Ram Pliskin - Monitor Azure WebJobs status with Azure Application Insights
Anuraj Parameswaran - Azure App Service, Health checks and zero downtime deployments
John Reilly - Noggin Box - Query your top 10 log messages from App Insights using KQL
Richard Garside - Creating Azure Functions using .NET 5
Brandon Minnick
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- My experience of using modular monolith and DDD architectures & My experience of using the Clean Code architecture with a Modular Monolith
Jon P. Smith - Keep Tests Short and DRY with Extension Methods
Steve Smith - Aggregate (Root) Design: Behavior & Data
Derek Comartin
- Entity Framework Core and ASP.NET Core Cycle Issue and Solution
Khalid Abuhakmeh
Machine learning / IA / Bots
- Machine Learning with ML.NET – Complete Guide to Clustering
Nikola M. Zivkovic
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- Announcing TypeScript 4.2 RC
Daniel Rosenwasser - Animating a CSS Gradient Border
Bramus Van Damme - Managing CSS Z-Index In Large Projects
Steven Frieson - Sharing data between CSS and JavaScript using custom properties
Christian Heilmann - Destructuring arrays in Javascript
Arika - SVG within CSS
Chris Coyier - Recreating Game Elements for the Web: The Among Us Card Swipe
Thomas Park - <iframe> feedback: a fun technique with iframes on the web
Nzayodyr Vtrdau - Nested Media Queries
Bramus Van Damme - 7 Interview Questions on JavaScript Closures. Can You Answer Them?
Dmitri Pavlutin - Using position: sticky to create persistent headers in long texts
Christian Heilmann - How to Favicon in 2021: Six files that fit most needs
Andrey Sitnik - The Breakpoint CSS-JS "Hack" - do not define breakpoints in JS
David Lorenz - Is CSS float deprecated?
Robin Rendle - 10 CSS Hacks Every Web Developer Should Know
Gert Svaiko - Quine(s) in JavaScript
Parth Agarwal - on’t put pointer-events: none on form labels
Bruce Lawson
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- ¿Chrome como editor Web FrontEnd profesional? Te explicamos cómo
José Manuel Alarcón - One second to read GitHub code with VS Code
Camilo Martinez - Get on the Windows Terminal PREVIEW train
Scott Hanselman - Getting The Most Out Of Git
Tobias Günther - Configure Naming Styles and Rules in Visual Studio and also at the solution/project level with an .editorconfig file
Thomas Claudius Huber - Make Code More Readable by Refactoring It With ReSharper
Rachel Appel - Introducing Abbot, a powerful ChatOps tool for collaborative work
Phil Haack - How to Host .NET Core Applications in VPS Using Docker
Hasan Hasanov
- Infogram about Xamarin Forms 5.0
Leomaris Reyes - Cross-Platform In-App Purchases for Xamarin.Mac Apps!
James Montemagno - 10 Reasons to Choose Syncfusion Xamarin Suite Over Others
Selva Ganapathy Kathiresan - Custom Xamarin Controls with Blazor Mobile Bindings
Sam Basu - Xamarin.Forms vertical Tabs and HorizontalListView drag and drop
Jean-Marie Alfonsi - Grouping with Dynamic Data in Xamarin Forms (Part 3)
Rendy del Rosario
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