lunes, 4 de noviembre de 2019
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Invalidar el contenido cacheado por el tag helper "cache" de ASP.NET Core MVC
José María Aguilar - Lanzar el depurador desde Javascript
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Introducing Orleans 3.0
Reuben Bond - How to use Nullable Reference Types in .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Framework
Gérald Barré - NET Core 3.0 : SDK, Runtime and Set up for Development
Kusnaditjung - The .NET Process class on Linux
Tom Deseyn - How to write to a file with C# in 2019
Thomas Ardal - Defer with C# 8.0
Stuart Lang - Autofac: Eager vs Lazy Construction During Registration
Ken Dale - The history of the GC configs
Maoni Stephens - Trying Out Daily Builds of Roslyn
Stuart Lang
- Blazor Singleton – Pass Data between Pages
Bradley Wells - Troubleshooting IIS apps: one structured approach
Viorel-Alexandru - How to Authorize Users in Blazor Declaratively
Peter Vogel - Getting Started with AutoMapper in ASP.NET Core
Marinko Spasojevic - Optimizing Web Applications with OData $Select
Hassan Habib - Declarative Claims-Based Authentication in ASP.NET Core 3.0
Peter Vogel - An In-depth Look at Routing in Blazor
Chris Sainty - Accessing and Extending Authorization Claims in ASP.NET Core and Blazor
Peter Vogel - gRPC with ASP.NET Core 3.0
Daniel Jimenez Garcia - Indented Pretty Print Formatting for JSON in ASP.NET Core
Scott Sauber - Exploring lighter alternatives to Electron for hosting a Blazor desktop app
Steve Sanderson - File uploads in ASP.NET Core
Gunnar Peipman - User claims in ASP.NET Core using OpenID Connect Authentication
Damien Bowden - Applying cross-cutting concerns in ASP.NET Core with MediatR using behaviors
Luis Ruiz
Azure / Cloud
- Assess and migrate web apps to Azure with Azure Migrate
Michael Crump - .NET Core 3.0 on Lambda with AWS Lambda’s Custom Runtime
Norm Johanson - Understanding Azure Durable Functions - Part 12: Sub Orchestrations
Jason Roberts - Recuperar un access token desde Azure CLI
Gisela Torres - Como vincular una suscripción de Azure en Azure DevOps
Daniel Córdoba - Cómo declarar y asignar un valor a una variable en un Build Pipeline en Azure DevOps
Jorge Serrano
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
Composite command pattern
Gunnar Peipman - DDD and bulk operations
Vladimir Khorikov - The Prototype Design Pattern C# .net core
Gary Woodfine
- Accessing SQL Server Express localdb from another computer
Greg Low - Document-Level Optimistic Concurrency in MongoDB
Jimmy Bogard - Entity Framework Core 3.0 Cache Busting
Machine learning / IA / Bots
- Automated machine learning and MLOps with Azure Machine Learning
Nishant Thacker
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- Migrating to TypeScript
Matt Eland - Understanding This, Bind, Call, and Apply in JavaScript
Tania Rascia - Upgrading from Gulp 3 to 4
Shawn Wildermuth - Array map en Javascript, se usa mal?
Leo Micheloni - The Current State of Styling Selects in 2019
Chris Coyier - Learn TypeScript Data Types – From Zero to Hero
Jonathan Sexton - How to use Interceptor in Angular
Dhananjay Kumar - LESS versus CSS
Maithiliy K - 10 Good Practices for Building Large Vue.js Projects
Nada Rifki - Angular Tools You Should be Aware Of
Santosh Yadav - Are There Random Numbers in CSS?
Alvaro Montoro - How to use Vue.js Components
Gary Woodfine - Type coercion in JavaScript
Axel Rauschmayer - Comparing the Different Types of Native JavaScript Popups
Elliot Goldman - Things We Can’t (Yet) Do In CSS
Rachel Andrew
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- BloomRPC o cómo jugar y probar nuestros servicios gRPC
Jorge Serrano - Visual Studio Tips and tricks: Default startup project
Gérald Barré
[Xamarin.Forms] Nuevo CarouselView!
Javier Suárez - Unit testing, the way I test my ViewModels
Miguel Angel Martín Hernández - Getting Started with Microsoft App Center
Trevor Tirrell - Bind from a ControlTemplate to a ViewModel with Xamarin.Forms
David Britch - How To Support Dark Mode In Xamarin.Forms (iOS & Android)
Hussain N. Abbasi - Notificaciones agrupadas en Android
Javier Cantos
- Cómo usar una hoja de cálculo de Google como backend JSON
José Manuel Alarcón - Quality and Agility linked by Processes
Ivana Tilca
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