lunes, 15 de julio de 2019
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Establecer textos por defecto y localizados en validaciones de ASP.NET Core MVC
José María Aguilar - Introducción a SignalR (I): Conceptos básicos
José María Aguilar
.NET / .NET Core
- La potencia de la Reflexión en C# (Parte 3: Constructores)
Jorge Turrado - How to prompt for a password on Windows?
Gérald Barré - C# 8: Static Local Functions and Using Declarations
Peter Mbanugo - Custom Binary Serialization in C#
Jean-Bernard Pellerin - Pipeline Pattern Implementations in C# .NET
Michael Shpilt - Exploring Raygun's new application performance monitoring tool for .NET Core
Andrew Lock - Poner una propiedad a readonly no te asegura que sea readonly
Jorge Serrano - Generar .exe en Net Core
Nacho Fanjul - The 3 Most Common C# Data Types: Explanations and Examples
Carlos Schults - Write Better Code Faster with Roslyn Analyzers
Mika Dumont - C# - .NET Reunified: Microsoft’s Plans for .NET 5
Mark Michaelis
System Testing ASP.NET Core APIs using XUnit
Damien Bowden - Developing Web Applications in .NET (Different Approaches and Current State)
Damir Arh - Creating DEV's offline page using Blazor
Aaron Powell - Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Core MVC
Marinko Spasojevic - Using Authorizing template of AuthorizeView in client-side Blazor applications
Gunnar Peipman - Using EasyAuth (AppService Authentication) with ASP.NET Core
Maxime Rouiller - Improving ASP.NET Core build speed on Red Hat OpenShift
Tom Deseyn - Dealing with Application Base URLs and Razor link generation while hosting ASP.NET web apps behind Reverse Proxies
Scott Hanselman
Azure / Cloud
- Real World Cloud Migrations: CDNs are an easy improvement to legacy apps
Scott Hanselman - Understanding Azure Durable Functions - Part 2: Creating Your First Durable Function
Jason Roberts - Terraform - The definitive guide for Azure enthusiasts
Thorsten Hans - Desplegar Symfony en Web App for containers
Gisela Torres
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- Excepciones como errores: ¿Sí o no?
Eduard Tomás - 10 tips for reviewing code you don't like
David Lloyd - Ficheros de configuración por entorno… ¿Sí, no o todo lo contrario?
Eduard Tomás
Machine learning / IA / Bots
- Enable receipt understanding with Form Recognizer’s new capability
Nikhil Kamath - Deep Q-Learning with Python and TensorFlow 2.0
Nikola Živković
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- Cómo personalizar los estilos CSS de las barras de scroll
Pablo Iglesias - Changing Nested State in Vuex
Shawn Wildermuth - How do JavaScript’s global variables really work?
Axel Rauschmayer - The Many Ways to Include CSS in JavaScript Applications
Dominic Magnifico - A Little Reminder That Pseudo Elements are Children, Kinda.
Chris Coyier - Progressive Web Apps in Chrome
J2inet - Reducing the forms boilerplate — make your Angular forms reusable
Eliran Eliassy - Animating with Clip-Path
Travis Almand - Developing a Robust Font Loading Strategy for CSS-Tricks—
Zach Leatherman - Types or Tests: Why Not Both?
Shawn Wang - Protecting Vue Routes with Navigation Guards
Divya Sasidharan
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Introducing the new App Installer template in Visual Studio 2019
Matteo Pagani - Optimising Multi-Targeting with Visual Studio Solution Filters
Nick - Contenerización de aplicaciones en Docker
Joaquín García Piñero - How to Catch C# Exceptions in Visual Studio
Simon Timms - Visual Studio 2019 Tips and Tricks for More Productivity
Talking Dotnet - Checklist for writing great Visual Studio extensions
Mads Kristensen
Xamarin.Forms 4.1.0 Stable Now Available
David Ortinau - Creating custom Xamarin.Forms loading indicator with animations
Mikolaj Kieres - How to Make Working with PDFs in a Xamarin Application Easy
Tanya Dimitrova - Design Tools for Xamarin Forms
Luis Matos - Elegant Tabs and Rg.Popup for the Fancy UI World
Abdul Muhaymin Arif - Xamarin Forms: How to Read SMS and verify OTP automatically in android without using SMS read permission
Suthahar J. - Announcing XAML Hot Reload for Xamarin.Forms
Pierce Boggan
- 4 reglas para programar bien bajo presión
Manuel A. Lores
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