lunes, 1 de julio de 2019
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- El Tao de la Programación
José María Aguilar - Mi controlador tiene muchos parámetros en el constructor, ¿estoy haciendo algo mal?
José María Aguilar
.NET / .NET Core
- La potencia de la Reflexión en C# (Parte 2: Ensamblados)
Jorge Turrado - Top five tips for handling .NET Exceptions
Justin Miller - Microsoft Feature Toggle Feature Flag Library: A First Look
Jason Roberts - Find, Fix, and Avoid Performance Problems in C# .NET: 10 Best Practices
Michael Shpilt - Questions from the NDC Oslo Panel Discussion on the Future of .NET
K. Scott Allen - Selective enrichment
Nicholas Blumhardt - C# 8 Features Nullable References
Peter Mbanugo - Using C# anonymous types to assert complex results in your unit tests
Dror Helper - Use Polly fallback policies for default return values
Jerrie Pelser - Versioning limitations in .NET
Jon Skeet
- gRPC – Hello World
Jorge Serrano - gRPC y “no gRPC” todo junto en el mismo proyecto & Traducir entre gRPC y HTTP/JSON
Eduard Tomás - Routing in ASP.NET Core MVC
Marinko Spasojevic - Creating a Custom Tag Helper in ASP.NET Core: Generating HTML
Peter Vogel - Web.config transformations - The definitive syntax guide
Thomas Ardal - Using Blazor Components In An Existing MVC Application
Chris Sainty - Decode JWTs in C# for Authorization
Ryan Foster - Ensuring consistent feature flags across requests: Adding feature flags to an ASP.NET Core app
Andrew Lock - Access your local ASP.NET Core web application from the public web & Use Conveyor to access your IIS Express app over the internet Jerrie Pelser
- ASP.NET Core Vue CLI Templates
Daniel Jimenez Garcia - Using Chained Certificates for Certificate Authentication in ASP.NET Core 3.0
Damien Bowden - Using the BodyReader and BodyWriter in ASP.NET Core 3.0
Steve Gordon
Azure / Cloud
- Delivering a static website via Azure CDN
Kumar Allamraju - Azure Application Insights: Analytics
Eric L. Anderson - Aggressively tuning Cosmos DB (the long way round)
Tom Wright - Desplegar una aplicación con Next.js en Azure App Service a través de Azure DevOps
Gisela Torres
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- gRPC – Un poco de historia, Parte I & Parte II
Jorge Serrano - How To Store Huge Information in A Single Integer Value
Sukesh Chand - Full binary tree catamorphism
Mark Seemann - IInterface Considered Harmful
Lee Brandt - 7 Top Reasons for Introducing Technical Debt
Mark Heath - 5 consejos para gestionar equipos de programación
Manuel A. Lores
- LiteDb Review
Vlad Vizitiu
Machine learning / IA / Bots
- What a text recognition system actually sees
Harald Scheidl - A tic tac toe AI with neural networks and machine learning
Thomas Daniels - AI Debugging Tool TensorWatch Open Sourced by Microsoft Research
David Ramel
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- Surprise: Undead Session Cookies
Eric Law - Did Vue.js Just Blink?
Shawn Wildermuth - Render Snarky Comments in Comic Sans
Zach Leatherman - How to Upgrade to TypeScript without anybody noticing, Part 2
Nathan Shivel - Why I don't use web components
Rich Harris - Different Approaches for Creating a Staggered Animation
Daniel Benmore - Building a Conference Schedule with CSS Grid
Mark Roo - Optimize Angular bundle size in 4 steps
Siyang Kern Zhao - Debugging JavaScript applications
Gary Woodfine - What Web Designers Can Do To Speed Up Mobile Websites
Suzanne Scacca - In Vue, When Do I Need the :key Attribute and Why?
Marina Mosti
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Visual Studio Code: Las 15 extensiones indispensables para programar con C# y .NET Core
José Manuel Alarcón - Visual Studio tips and tricks
Mads Kristensen - Git is case-sensitive and your filesystem may not be
Scott Hanselman
- The Visual Studio debugging trick that EVERY Xamarin/.NET developer should know!
Michael Ridland - Faster Xamarin.Android Builds & Smaller Dex Files
Jonathan Peppers - [Material DotNet2019] Optimizar Apps con Xamarin.Forms
Javier Suárez - Xamarin.Forms 4.0 Deep Dive: Microsoft Details New Features
David Ramel - Twitch y código en directo
Javier Suárez - Introducing Xamarin.Forms Switch Component
Selva Ganapathy Kathiresan
The Rise and Fall of Visual Basic
Matthew MacDonald
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