lunes, 6 de mayo de 2019
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Problem Details: una forma estándar de retornar errores desde APIs HTTP (y cómo usarlo desde ASP.NET Core)
José María Aguilar - ¿ActionLink te genera direcciones que acaban en Length=N?
José María Aguilar
.NET / .NET Core
- MediatR 7.0.0 Released
Jimmy Bogard - Cómo crear operadores personalizados para clases propias en C#
Jorge Turrado - Serializing objects to URL encoded form data
Gunnar Peipman - Compare .NET Thread Class, Threadpool Class, BackgroundWorker Class and Task Parallel Library
Artemakis Artemiou - Lessons Learnt: Migrating From Net Framework to Net Core
Michael James - .NET Regex: \d is different from [0-9]
Gérald Barré - Performance Showdown of Producer/Consumer (Job Queues) Implementations in C# .NET
Michael Shpilt - .NET Core 3.0 SDK Projects: Controlling Output Folders and Content
Rick Strahl - PDF417 Barcode Decoder .NET Class Library and Two Demo Apps
Uzi Granot - Pattern Matching in C# 8.0
Filip Ekberg - Throwing Standard Exception Types in .NET
Peter Mbanugo - Async-Async: Consequences for parameters to parallel asynchronous calls & Async-Async: Consequences for exceptions
Raymond Chen
The History of ASP.NET Part II (Covers ASP.NET MVC) & Part III (Covers ASP.NET Core)
Daniel Jimenez Garcia
Should I Be Using the ASP.NET Core SPA Templates?
Shawn Wildermuth
GraphQL Mutations in ASP.NET Core
Marinko Spasojevic
Supercharging ASP.NET Core API with OData
Hassan Habib
Accessing ASP.NET Core API hosted on Kestrel from iOS Simulator, Android Emulator and UWP Applications.
Nick Randolph
Streaming data in ASP.NET Core SignalR
Karthik Chintala
Using Parameter Transformers To Modify Route And Parameter Values In Razor Pages
Mike Brind
Customizing ASP.NET Core Part 12: Hosting
Jürgen Gutsch
Validating phone numbers with Twilio using ASP.NET Core Identity and Razor Pages
Andrew Lock
Blazor on the Server: The Good and the Unfortunate
Peter Vogel
Web.config customErrors element with ASP.NET explained
Thomas Ardal
ASP.NET Core Road to Microservices Part 02: View Components
Marcelo Ricardo de Oliveira
Get Some Sass Into Your Blazor App
Chris Sainty
Azure / Cloud
- Use Azure Monitor to track custom events
Michael Crump - Using Entity Framework Core to process Azure Service Messages in ASP.NET Core
Damien Bowden - Comparing speed of Blob Storage, AppService and CDN on Azure for static file serving
Jiří Činčura - Azure Functions: custom triggers
Fernando Escolar
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- Algunos consejos para diseñar un API
Javi Santana - The Builder Pattern .net core
Gary Woodfine - Context is King: Finding Service Boundaries
Derek Comartin
- Query Tags in EF Core for ASP .NET Core Web Apps
Shahed Chowdhuri - Slightly Rough Exchanges: Troubleshooting Transactional Issues with TransactionScope
Rion Williams
Machine learning / IA / Bots
Insert Yourself Into Any Picture With C#, Dlib, and OpenCV
Mark Farragher - Announcing Windows Vision Skills (Preview)
Varsha Parthasarathy - Windows VisionSkills sample UWP App
Bruno Capuano - Predict Bike Sharing Demand With C# And ML.NET Machine Learning
Mark Farragher - Mathematics for Artificial Intelligence – Linear Algebra
Nikola Živković - Everything you need to know to master Convolutional Neural Networks
Tirmidzi Faizal Aflahi - Teaching a .NET developer new tricks: machine learning with ML.NET
Zone - New Azure Machine Learning updates simplify and accelerate the ML lifecycle
Venky Veeraraghavan
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- What are Stack and Queue?
Tim Han - Delete Cookies for a Single Site
Eric Law - Oh, the Many Ways to Make Triangular Breadcrumb Ribbons!
Silvestar Bistrović - Testing and Faking Angular Dependencies
Lars Gyrup Brink Nielsen - The Simplest Ways to Handle HTML Includes
Chris Coyier - A First Look at the Vue CLI
Marina Mosti - CSS methodologies. Part 2
Michał Wajer - Javascript Array.push is 945x faster than Array.concat
Shi Ling - JavaScript Detect Async Function
David Walsh - Digging Into The Display Property: Box Generation
Rachel Andrew - Making the Move from jQuery to Vue
Raymond Camden - JavaScript: por qué obtengo fechas diferentes por consola y por pantalla
José Manuel Alarcón
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Welcome ReSharper Ultimate 2019.1!
Daria Dovzhikova - Redesigning the New Project Dialog
Pratik Nadagouda - Developer Tools UI updates for Microsoft Edge Insiders
Stephanie Drescher - Roslyn analyzers and code fixes in OmniSharp and VS Code
Filip Woj - How to Add Files to a GitHub Repo You Don't Own
Steve Smith - Remote Development Tools Unveiled for VS Code
David Ramel - 15 Git Commands You May Not Know
Caire - a content aware image resize library
Simo Endre - Las preguntas de las entrevistas de programación son demasiado difíciles y demasiado cortas
Oferta de empleo: Desarrollador web .NET (Barcelona / posibilidad en remoto)
Si tienes más de dos años de experiencia desarrollando aplicaciones web ASP.NET/.NET Core y te gustan los retos tecnológicos, ven a trabajar con
nosotros a un proyecto de escala global que está revolucionando la atención al cliente en plataformas e-commerce.
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