lunes, 25 de marzo de 2019
Por si te lo perdiste...
- 10 Diferencias entre .NET Core y .NET Framework
José María Aguilar - ¿Comprometidos o involucrados?
José María Aguilar
.NET / .NET Core
- Async Streams with C# 8
Christian Nagel - Schedule Background Jobs Using Hangfire in .NET Core
Changhui Xu - Perfect console application in .net Core: Set up dependency injection & Add unit tests
Michał Białecki - Demystifying HttpClient Internals: HttpRequestMessage
Steve Gordon - C# 8: nullable reference types
Oli -
How to Port Desktop Applications to .NET Core 3.0
Olia Gavrysh - String comparisons are harder than it seems
Gérald Barré - Profiling .NET Code with PerfView and visualizing it with
Adam Sitnik - Benchmarking performance of your code between release versions
Shannon Deminick - YAML, ventajas, desventajas y cuándo usarlo & Leyendo documentos YAML en .NET Core
Jorge Serrano - LazyCache 2.0 released
Alastair Crabtree - Stop wasting time during .NET Core builds
Donovan Brown
- Using JavaScript Interop in Razor Components and Blazor
Chris Sainty - Unable to start process dotnet.exe
Eric L. Anderson - Rendering A Partial To A String In Razor Pages
Mike Brind - Managing Production and Development Settings in ASP.NET Core
Peter Vogel - ModelState interfering with Model Binding in ASP.NET Core
Jerrie Pelser -
Transform your ASP.NET Core Website into a Single File Executable Desktop App
Georg Dangl - Stripe API with ASP.NET Core - Part 1 Setup and Configuration
Matteo Locher - Server-To-Client RPC with Response in ASP.NET Core SignalR
Tomasz Pęczek - Scaling out ASP.NET Core SignalR using Azure Service Bus
Thomas Levesque - What is Blazor and what is Razor Components?
Scott Hanselman
Azure / Cloud
- Different Ways to Parse Http Request Data in Http-triggered Azure Functions
Jason Roberts - Loading a X509 certificate from Azure KeyVault into a .NET Core application
Dominique St-Amand - Creating my first Azure Functions v2.0 app: a WebHook and a timer
Andrew Lock - Azure Container Instances: el servicio serverless para tus contenedores Docker & Desplegar aplicaciones multi-contenedor en Azure Container Instances
Gisela Torres - Awaiting Multiple External Events with Durable Functions
Mark Heath
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- De Scrum a Kanban — cómo entregamos tareas el doble de rápido
Pablo Santos Luaces - CQRS without Multiple Data Sources
Derek Comartin - OAuth 2.0 Grant Types
Fernando Escolar - The Lost Art of Right Aligning Code
K. Scott Allen - The programmer as decision maker
Mark Seemann - Team Room Problems: 5 Signs of a Toxic Code Review Culture
Mark Henke - Life Beyond Distributed Transactions: An Apostate's Implementation - Conclusion
Jimmy Bogard
- Optimistic Concurrency Tracking with Dapper and SQL Server
Dave Paquette - EF Core - Database Auditing with "UpdatedBy"
Ryan Southgate
Machine learning / IA / Bots
ONNX Runtime integration with NVIDIA TensorRT in preview
Manash Goswami - Introduction to Tensorflow.js with Real-World Example
Nikola Živković
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- Announcing TypeScript 3.4 RC
Daniel Rosenwasser - Using <details> for Menus and Dialogs is an Interesting Idea
Chris Coyier - Blurred Borders in CSS
Ana Tudor - An Introduction to Web Components & Crafting Reusable HTML Templates & Creating a Custom Element from Scratch & Encapsulating Style and Structure with Shadow DOM & Advanced Tooling for Web Components
Caleb Williams - Stacked "Borders"
Eric Meyer -
I Used The Web For A Day On Internet Explorer 8
Chris Ashton - Mastering Computed Properties in VueJS – Level Up Your Coding
Matt Maribojoc - Converting Callbacks to Promises
Leigh Halliday - All About mailto: Links
Chris Coyier - Indexing Console Outputs in Chrome DevTools
Christian Nwamba
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Using Newtonsoft.Json in a Visual Studio extension
Mads Kristensen - Noggin Box - Installing a free SSL Cert on your IIS .NET Core Mvc website
Richard Garside - Basic Tips and Tricks to Boost Productivity in Visual Studio
Marinko Spasojevic - Contenedores: cómo es el ciclo de vida de una aplicación en Kubernetes
Eduard Tomás - Visual Studio Tips - DebuggerDisplay
Jeremy Hutchinson - Hoy empiezo con Kubernetes
Gisela Torres
- Y tú, ¿qué haces los fines de semana?
Juan María Hernández
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