lunes, 24 de abril de 2017
.NET/.NET Core
- The week in .NET – Happy birthday .NET with Robin Cole, TinyORM, 911 Operator
Bertrand Le Roy - Covariant and Contravariant Casting is 3x Slower than Dynamic
Daniel Cabtree - Spans and ref part 1 : ref
Marc Gravell - A tricky bit of code
Ayende Rahien - A C# developers guide to F#
Connel Hooley - Exploring Tuples as a Library Author
Marc Gravell - .NET Code Quality 3rd Party Tools – Using NDepend with .Net Core
Daniel Jimenez Garcia - What is an Unhandled Exception, and How to Catch All C# Exceptions
Matt Watson - Value Tuples in C# 7: Please Tell Me I'm Doing This Wrong
Jeremy Bytes - Emojis and String.Length
Spencer Schneidenbach - C# Tuples: New C# 7 language feature
Matthew D. Groves - C# Futures: Nullable Reference Types
Jonathan Allen - How to Generate C# Random Numbers, Pseudo vs Secure Random Numbers
Matt Watson
- ASP.NET Core Dependency Injection Understands Unbound Generics
K. Scott Allen - Creating a basic Web API template using dotnet new custom templates
Andrew Lock - ASP.NET Core Health Checks
Allan Hardy - ActiveRoute TagHelper
Jürgen Gutsch - Free eBook on ASP.Net Core is available for download
Simone Chiaretta - ASP.NET Core Middleware Components are Singletons
K. Scott Allen - ASP.NET - Overposting/Mass Assignment Model Binding Security
Scott Hanselman - File Providers In ASP.NET Core
Jignesh Trivedi - Making sense of the different versions of .NET Core (runtime and SDK)
Jon Hilton - Removing the MVC Razor dependencies from the Web API template in ASP.NET Core
Andrew Lock - Dependency Injection in the ASP.NET Core Middleware
Michał Dymel - Logging en ASPNET Core con Serilog
Julio Avellaneda - Secure your Angular/ASP.NET Core application with Anti-forgery token
Dominique St-Amand - ASP.NET Core Web Servers: Kestrel vs IIS Feature Comparison and Why You Need Both
Matt Watson - ASP.NET Core Lazy Command Pattern
Muhammad Rehan Saeed - ASP.NET Core IdentityServer4 Resource Owner Password Flow with custom UserRepository
Damien Bowden
Azure / Cloud
- Azure Search releases support for synonyms (public preview)
Ashish Makadia
Conceptos/Patrones/Buenas prácticas
Demystifying Deep Neural Nets
Rosie Campbell- Boolean parameters and code readability
James Hurburgh - Domain Command Patterns - Validation
Jimmy Bogard - Cómo testear el frontend de una aplicación web
Juan María Hernández - Expect-CT: Un nuevo HTTP Header de Google para Certificate Transparency
Chema Alonso - A visual introduction to machine learning
Stephanie Yee & Tony Chu
- Using Entity Framework Core in-memory database for unit testing
Gunnar Peipman - Resolver error al conectarse a SQL Server debido al certificado SSL
José Manuel Alarcón - Paging DocumentDB Query Results from .NET
Derek Comartin - Using EF Core in a Separate Class Library project
Gary Woodfine - Entity Framework 6 Easter of love
Pawel Kadluczka - Entity Framework Core with SQLite Scaffolding
Eric L. Anderson
- VueJS: The Progressive JavaScript Framework
José Antonio Dongil - Five Techniques to Lazy Load Images for Website Performance
Maria Antonietta Perna - Facebook announces React Fiber, a rewrite of its React framework
Frederic Lardinois - Structural Pseudo-Classes
Alexis Goldstein, Estelle Weyl & Louis Lazaris - It’s Time To Start Using CSS Custom Properties
Serg Hospodarets - Vuejs 2 Authentication Tutorial
Prosper Otemuyiwa - Opinionated Comparison of React, Angular2, and Aurelia
Jeff Schnitzer - Freezing JavaScript Objects With Object.freeze()
Swathi Prasad - Managing the CSS Box Model
Tiffany Brown - You Need ES2017’s Async Functions. Here’s Why …
Derick Bailey - Search and clean redundant JS and CSS on your page
Piotr Stapp - Focusing a `background-image` on a Precise Location with Percentages
Jay Sitter
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
- Análisis de código con NDepend
Julio Avellaneda - VS2017 – Sobre regiones en C# y ahora en XAML (What?!)
Bruno Capuano - Las 10 extensiones de Chrome indispensables para desarrolladores
- ¡Ya está bien! ¡¡Me hago Freelance!!
Braulio Díez - Trabajos freelance. Albañiles, constructores y obras
Javier Ros - #Opinion – Sobre #FakeNews, la dudosa calidad de los portales de tecnología y el trabajo de los “editores”
Bruno Capuano
- Xabaril
Toogle Features and A/B testing library for ASP.NET Core
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