martes, 7 de julio de 2015
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada, espero que os resulten interesantes :-)
- Becas Microsoft DPE 2015-2016
José Bonnin (Microsoft)
- Unleashing C# Generic Constraints with Extension Methods
Jeff Walker - How to debug a windows service without installing ?
Shashank Bisen - 4 Ways to check the given Integer is Even or Odd
Ulasalasreenath - Rant: Procedural text generation has never been this easy
Nicholas Fleck - A short identifier using base 36 in C#
Paul C. Smith
- MVC 6 Image Tag Helper
Dave Paquette - ASP.NET Community Standup - June 30, 2015
Jeffrey Fritz - AJAX with ASP.NET MVC Simplified
Imran Abdul Ghani - ASP.NET 5 Beta5 Now Available
Daniel Roth - Updates to ASP.NET 5 yeoman generators for beta 5
Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi - Using Bower and Gulp with 5.0
Martin Kean - Registering ASP.NET MVC Route Constraints for Attribute Routing
Khalid Abuhakmeh - The Ultimate Cookbook for the ASP.NET MVC WebGrid
Jonathan Danylko - [ASPNET Web API] Serializando JSON en notación CamelCase.
Julio Avellaneda - Modify Response Content in ASP.NET MVC using a Custom Action Filter
Bipin Joshi
Azure / Cloud
- ¿Por qué tienes dos access keys para Azure Storage?
Gisela Torres - Inside Azure Search: Chaos Engineering
Heather Nakama - Azure Preview Portal Improvements (June Update)
Leon Welicki
Conceptos/Patrones/Buenas prácticas
- How secure are GUIDs? Can I use it to generate passwords?
Raymond Chen - Understanding HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) and preloading it into the browser
Troy Hunt
Data access
- Introducing Disque
Salvatore Sanfilippo - Why my next CMS system will have an in-memory database as primary data store?
- Tail call optimization in ECMAScript 6
Axel Rauschmayer - Seven Surprising JavaScript 'Features'
Luke Page - WebAssembly – A new Hope
Roland Weigelt - JavaScript: How to Embed Private Members Into an Object
David Catuhe - Even Better Data Typing with TypeScript 1.4
Peter Vogel - JavaScript ES6, Maps y Sets
Cecilio Álvarez
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
- How to debug localhost on Microsoft Edge
Rami Sarieddine - Web App Performance : Are you listening to your logs?
Premier Developer - Save the Date: Visual Studio 2015 RTM on July 20th (Wow!)
S. Somasegar - Git Alias To Migrate Commits To A Branch
Phil Haack
- ¿Qué es Docker?
CampusMVP - Soft Skills are so important to Software Engineers
Bobby Lough
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