lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014
- Código sin nulls
Eduard Tomás - .NET Sample Code on GitHub
Immo Landwerth - Subir un video a Youtube desde .NET
Gisela Torres - Internal or public?
Eric Lippert - C# 6.0 Features Part 3: Declaration Expressions
K. Scott Allen - Virtual vs Override vs New Keyword in C#
Abhishek Jaiswall - Is IQueryable poisoning your interfaces?
Tilovell09 - Custom Getter Setters in C# using Regular Expression based templates
- Creating Checkboxes using Bootstrap and MVC
Paul Sheriff - Loading JavaScript and CSS Resources from Nested ASP.NET Partial Views
J. Tower - Over 100 ASP.NET Web API samples
Filip Woj - MVC Application using Owin to achieve Federated Authentication
Magnus Mårtensson - Migrate a VS2013 Web Project From WIF to Katana
Vittorio Bertocci - ASP.NET vNext–Crea tus propios “comandos K”
Eduard Tomás
Azure / Cloud
- Desplegar una base de datos en Microsoft Azure SQL Database desde SQL Server Managament Studio
Gisela Torres - Enabling CDN for Azure Websites
Ben Cohen - 10 things I learned about rapidly scaling websites with Azure
Troy Hunt
Conceptos/Patrones/Buenas prácticas
- HTTP vs HTTPS performance comparison
Dean hume
Data access
- EF6.1.2 Beta 1 Available
Rowan Miller - Entity Framework 6.0: NGen.exe and Startup Performance
Jignesh Trivedi - Splitting Tables in Entity Framework 6 to Improve Performance
Peter Vogel - Entity Framework 7 Migrations in ASP.NET vNext
Brice Lambson
- Features Of ES6 Part 7: Template Literals
K. Scott Allen - Crear un componente con ReactJS
Juan María Hernández - Build Web Layouts Easily with Susy
Eric Suzanne - AngularJS: One Step at a Time
Michael Crump - The Future of AngularJS
Shyam Seshadri - HTML5 Form Validation
Paul Underwood - WinJS 3.0 is Here: Cross-browser| Cross-platform
Doris Chen - Ocrad.js - Optical Character Recognition in JS
Antimatter (via @etnassoft)
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
- Visual Studio “Monaco” Sprint 71 Update
Chris Dias
- Jump-Location - A Change Directory (CD) PowerShell Command that reads your mind
Scott Hanselman - New Dev Center lifetime registration and benefits program
Todd Brix
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