lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes ;-)
- Can I skip the lock when reading an integer?
Eric Lippert - C# Extension: Complementary Color
Sanjay Sharma
- Avoiding duplicity in Razor with helpers
Jakub Chodounsky - Getting started with ASP.NET Web API 2.2 for OData v4.0
Javier Calvarro - Back to Basics: Assert your assumptions and diff your source code
Scott Hanselman - Introduction to Web API Versioning
Ranjan D. - Glimpse 1.8.4 released
Anthony van der Hoorn - MVC Application Lifecycle
Ashish Shukla - Per request tracing in ASP.NET Web API
Filip Woj
Azure / Cloud
- Windows Azure IaaS: Balancear la carga entre VMs
Gisela Torres - Windows Azure Mobile Services con .NET
Carlos Carrillo
Conceptos/Patrones/Buenas prácticas
- Same Origin Policy Part 0: Origins
Eric Law - Code generation pros and cons and T4 Template
Mehdi Khalili
Data access
- Avoid many-to-many mappings in ORMs
- Jimmy Bogard
- Migrations Screencast Series
Rowan Miller - MongoDB: la vida cambia, tus datos también. Actualiza subdocumentos y añade datos a un array Eliminando elementos de un array y documentos completos
Rubenfa - Efficient querying with LINQ, AutoMapper and Future queries
Jimmy Bogard - Left Outer Joins in LINQ with Entity Framework
Jim Wooley
- What You Need To Know About AngularJS Data Binding
Valeri Karpov - The Truth About False in JavaScript
Basem Emara - Advanced Debugging Techniques in JavaScript part I, II, and III.
Zach Gardner - 5 errores tipográficos comunes en el diseño web y cómo solucionarlos: Cromos vs T-magazine
Alejandro Narváez - Introduction to Bootstrap: A Tool for Building Responsive, Mobile-First Projects
Bipin Joshi - Using Web API 2 (Individual User Account + CORS Enabled) from AngularJS Client
Omar Alani - Extending Built-in Objects in JavaScript
Kirupa Chinnathambi - CSS Gradients
Chris Coyier
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
- Visual Studio Online Load Test Troubleshooting Guide
Trevor Hancock - MSBuild. Crear una tarea personalizada
Miguel Ángel Martín - How to use OData Client Code Generator to generate client-side proxy class
Layla Liu - 7 More Top Tips for Visual Studio 2013
Deborah Kurata - CodeSmith Generator – Creating Your First Template
Dirk Strauss - Visual Studio Online “Monaco” March 2014 Update
Jeff Fisher
Windows 8/WinRT/WP
- Browser Arcana: IP Literals in URLs
Eric Law
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