lunes, 23 de diciembre de 2013
Hey, y no olvidéis que aún podéis participar en el sorteo de licencias de VS Anywhere!!
- A glance at C# vNext
Florian Rappl - Throwing the Big Switch on Roslyn
Matt Gertz - Code Contracts is the next coding practice you should learn and use
Patrick Smacchia - Time ago function for C#
Anuraj P. - Easy Caching with C# and PostSharp
Rafid K. Abdullah - Sexy C#
S. M. Ahasan Habib - The Folder Browser Dialog Box
Richard Carr
- Announcing preview of Microsoft.AspNet.Identity 2.0.0-alpha1
Pranav Rastogi - Hello Nancy
Filip Ekberg - Owin y Katana: dos nuevas palabras que empezaran a sonar mucho
Carlos Carrillo - How to get your ASP.NET application working in IE11
Marin Bratanov - ASP-NET MVC 5 – Filter Overrides
Sabastián Henzenn - Building a basic Web Forms application using Visual Studio 2013
Bala Chirtsabesan - ASP.NET Web API V2 .- IHttpActionResult
Gonzalo Pérez - Code-First Migration and Extending Identity Accounts in ASP.NET MVC 5 and Visual Studio 2013
John Atten - Introducing ASP.NET Web API Throttling handler
Stefan Prodan - Migrating User Profile Data from an Existing Application to ASP.NET Identity (C#)
Suhas Joshi & Co. - Html.RatingFor: Extending the MVC HtmlHelper
Polirrata - IFileClient – Generalizing storage access in ASP.NET web applications
Gunnar Peipman - How to create TreeView in MVC3
Amey K Bhatkar - ASP.NET MVC 5 and Bootstrap 3 CSS framework
David Hayden - Javascript View Engine for Asp.Net
Ben Dornis
Azure / Cloud
- Windows Azure Scheduler Preview: Creando jobs en la nube
Gisela Torres
Conceptos/Patrones/Buenas prácticas
- Usando tests para validar convenciones
Juan María Hernández - A Beginners Guide to Scrum
Manas Bhardwaj
Data access
- EF 6.1 Alpha 1 Available
Rowan Miller
- HTML 5 DNS-Prefetch
Gisela Torres - JavaScript Functions is a Statement or Expression?
Dhananjay kumar - A Beginner's Guide for Creating Single Page Applications using Backbone.js and Marionette.js
Rahul Rajat Singh - AngularJS 1.3- a new release approaches
Igor Minar - Don't Fear Directives In Angular.js
Nathan Leclaire - JavaScript Promises
Jake Archibald - CSS 3 variables
Gisela Torres - What You May Not Know About the Z-Index Property
Steve Bradley
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
- Consideraciones al usar Git con Visual Studio y TFS 2013
Ernesto Cárdenas - Monaco December 2013 Update
Chris Dias - The story behind _references.js
Mads Kristensen - Visual Studio–Painlessly Renaming Your Project and Solution Directories
John Atten - Static Code Analysis in Visual Studio 2013: What's New
Mickey Gousset
- Requirement, Estimation and Planning. How it works and What we should avoid in Agile Software Development Projects.
Monjurul Habib - ¿Cómo crear una comunidad técnica?
José Bonnin
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