martes, 10 de diciembre de 2013
Uuf, con tanto viaje últimamente casi no tengo tiempo para completar mis tradicionales tareas de lectura y recolección de artículos interesantes, pero, aún así, ahí van algunos contenidos que encontré la semana pasada :-)
- Immutable Collections performance
Ayende Rahien - Steganography: Simple Implementation in C#
Hamzeh soboh - C# - Generate and Deliver PDF Files On-Demand from a Template Using iTextSharp
John Atten - C# String Extensions
Prabu ram - User32.dll - Lock the computer
Marco Bertschi - Arabic/English Crossword Generation using Progressive Search
Nasir Darwish
- Classic ASP and MVC
Emmet M. - Public Field Not Bound When Posting to WebAPI (or a deep dive into WebAPI model binding)
Pollirata - Integrando oAuth con NancyFx (ii) - Katana
Eduard Tomás - Page Instrumentation in ASP.NET 4.5
Imran Baloch - Los gordos,los flacos y los generosos
Pedro Hurtado - Multiple file uploads like in Facebook
Cyberaddict - Is WCF Redundant?
Stephen Haunts (vía @pmolinam) - Send PDF files directly to client printer without dialog box in ASP.NET application
Kashif Atiq - Integrando oAuth con NancyFx–(i)
Eduard Tomás
Azure / Cloud
- Scaling your Windows Azure Web Site
Benjamin Perkins - Instant Azure Caching with MVC
Rick Anderson
Conceptos/Patrones/Buenas prácticas
- Composite Pattern
Gunnar Peipman - Evolution of N-Tier Applications
Member3904612 - 5 cosas que deberías aprender para dedicarte al desarrollo de software
Juan María Hernández
Data access
- Entity Framework CodeFirst : Where is my database and Simple Migrations
Wriju - Entity Framework 5 vs. NHibernate 3.3 with Oracle 11g
Alexander Iskhakov - Entity Framework 6: The Ninja Edition
Julie Lerman - AspNet.Identity.RavenDB: Fully asynchronous, new and sweet ASP.NET Identity implementation for RavenDB
Tugberk Ugurlu - Dealing With Optimistic Concurrency in Entity Framework
Bipin Joshi - ADO.NET Entity framework Interview questions
Shivprasad koirala - All About TransactionScope
S. M. Ahasan Habib - Dynamically evaluated SQL LINQ queries
Don Kackman
- Nuevos atributos globales en HTML 5
Gisela Torres - SEO essentials for web developers: Website structure
Joel Klettke - SPA and the Single Page Myth
John Papa - Structuring AngularJS Code
Dan Wahlin
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
- [#VS2013] Debugger Killer tip: $ReturnValue
Bruno Capuano - Novedades de Visual Studio 2013 para Developers
Carlos Carrillo - Chrome DevTools for Mobile: Screencast and Emulation
Paul Irish
Windows 8/WinRT/WP
- Developer MVPs of the Year (¡Enhorabuena, Unai!)
MVP Award Program
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