lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012
- Syntactic Sugar and the Async Pill
Dino Esposito - Functional programming in C#
Jovan Popovic (vía @lluisfranco / @eixeminis) - Is C# a strongly typed or a weakly typed language?
Eric Lippert
- From API key to user with ASP.NET Web API
Maarten Balliauw - ASP.NET Web API file download service with resume support
Piotr Walat - Introducing RazorPDF
Al Nyveldt - Where is ASP.NET 4.5 …wait Where is .NET 4.5 ?
Vijayshinva Karnure - TypeScript Template for ASP.NET MVC4
Sumit Maitra
Azure / Cloud
- Best Practices for the Design of Large-Scale Services on Windows Azure Cloud Services
Mark Simms and Michael Thomassy - Send text messages (SMS) from Web API using Azure Mobile Services
Filip W. - Google identity, Emails, SMS, Blobs, Service Bus and more
Scott Guthrie
- Patrones de diseño- Mediator
Fernando Escolar
- Microdata para una geolocalización con HTML5
Víctor Cuervo - Lambdas y variable hoisting, una combinación peligrosa en Javascript
Juan María Hernández
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
Windows 8/WinRT
- Walkthrough: Monetize Windows 8 with the Microsoft Advertising SDK
Jerry Nixon - WinRT. Cómo implementar Snap View
Javier Suárez Ruiz - Soy asíncrono después de 0 milisegundos
Pedro Hurtado - [Win8 JavaScript] Patrón Promise
Marc Rubiño - [Win8] JavaScript – Llamadas a servicio de datos externos “Cross-Domain”
Marc Rubiño - Windows 8 Apps: Data Persistence & Application Life-Cycle Management
Samidip Basu - Building a custom control using XAML and C#
Aaron Wroblewski - How to invoke javascript functions in a WebView in Windows Store Apps
Iris Classon - WinRT. Uso de gráficas
Javier Suárez Ruiz - 10 things you should know about designing for Windows 8
Brent Schooley - ¿Sólo podemos utilizar controles GridView y ListView en un SemanticZoom?
Javier Suárez - XAML Binding Basics 101
Jerry Nixon
- Tengo dos noticias, una buena y otra mala…
José Manuel Alarcón
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