lunes, 13 de noviembre de 2023

Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- El atributo CallerArgumentExpression, o cómo conocer las expresiones usadas como argumentos en llamadas a un método en C#
José María Aguilar - Funciones constructoras en Javascript
Oscar Sotorrío
.NET Core / .NET
- Reading a stream of JsonDocuments separated by new lines (ndjson)
Gérald Barré - Merging Multiple PDFs Using the iText Library
Matjaz Prtenjak - The convenience of System.IO
Richard Lander - Pangram validator in one line
Christian Heilmann - Implementing Distributed Locks in .NET Core with Redis or ZooKeeper
Hamed Salameh - MoonSharp - Running Lua Scripts in .NET
Khalid Abuhakmeh - Updates On Microsoft’s BinaryFormatter Obsoletion Strategy
DevExpress Blogs - Provide opt-in to experimental APIs using C#12 ExperimentalAttribute
Maarten Balliauw - Comparing ForEach Method and Foreach Statement in C#
Code Maze - Let’s build a custom Microsoft Graph connector
Waldek Mastykarz - Read and Write Windows Registry in C#
Code Maze - ConfigureAwait in .NET 8
Stephen Cleary - Discovering The Features Of DotNetFiddle – How To Compile C# Online
Nick Cosentino - .NET Task Parallel Library vs System.Threading.Channels
Charles Chen - TimeProvider makes it easier to mock time in .NET 8
David Grace - Automating Memory Profiling with the JetBrains dotMemory Profiler API
Steve Gordon - Interactive LINQ tutorial, especially for beginners
Steven Giesel
ASP.NET Core / ASP.NET / Blazor
- How to Add a UI or Dashboard as Middleware in your .NET Web API
Paul DeVito - ASP.NET Vertical Slice Project Template – How To Start Easily
Nick Cosentino - Where fetch data in your Blazor components
Jon Hilton - Reading JSON and binary data from multipart/form-data sections in ASP.NET Core
Andrew Lock - Hot Reload in ASP.NET Core Applications
Code Maze - Using Telerik UI for Blazor Forms and TileLayout
Jefferson S. Motta - Unveiling New Date-Only and Time-Only Features in Blazor Pickers
Prince Rajarathinam Oliver - ASP.NET Core Basics: Creating Apps with More Accessibility
Assis Zang - .NET 8–Http Logging
Bart Wullems
Azure / Cloud
- Setting up better logging in Azure Functions
Thomas Ardal
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- Vertical Slice Architecture
Milan Jovanović - Why doesn't reduction by modulo work for floating point values?
Raymond Chen - Implications of Full-Duplex HTTP
IETF Datatracker - Event-Driven Architecture in C#
Code Maze
- Moving SQL Server To The Cloud: Modernizing Stack Overflow for Teams
Aaron Bertrand - Leverage GitHub Copilot to work with MySQL in Azure Data Studio
Sunitha Muthukrishna - Single() or First()? Understand the Abstractions you use!
Derek Comartin
Machine learning / IA / Bots
- OpenAI DevDay 2023: todas las novedades en el mundo del líder en IA generativa
CampusMVP - Construye un Asistente Personal con super poderes de IA Generativa
Elizabeth Fuentes & Ensamblador - New models and developer products announced at DevDay
OpenAI - Introducing GPTs
OpenAI - Unleashing the Power of C#: Integrating AI for Intelligent Applications
Darren Horricks - Assistants: the future of Semantic Kernel & OpenAI Assistants: a first look into using OpenAI Assistants with Semantic Kernel
Matthew Bolanos
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- Introducing Angular v17
Minko Gechev - Writing Components That Work In Any Frontend Framework
Andrico Karoulla - Virtual Scrolling In React
Tech with Vedansh - Using a strong nonce based CSP with Angular
Damien Bowden - A new way to bring garbage collected programming languages efficiently to WebAssembly
Alon Zakai - Svelte Flow – a library for rendering interactive node-based UIs
John Robb - Understanding React Error Boundary
Dianne Pena - JavaScript Map and Set Tutorial
Rob Gravelle - 11 JavaScript Tricks You Probably Didn't Know About
Fadhili Josue - How Core Web Vitals saved users 10,000 years of waiting for web pages to load
Chromium Blog - Addressing Accessibility Concerns With Using Fluid Type
Maxwell Barvian - and v17—I Told You the Renaissance was Here
Alyssa Nicoll - Announcing
Emma Twersky - Chrome Console Utilities That Every Developer Should Know
Shalitha Suranga - React Router v6: A Beginner's Guide
James Hibbard - TypeScript Generics: Striking the Right Balance
Suprotim Agarwal - Understanding source maps and their types in Javascript
Anton Ioffe - Creating Accessible UI Animations
Oriana García - The World of Sparse Arrays in JavaScript
Corina Murg - Secure your Web Applications with Facial Authentication
Pius oruko - 67 Weird Debugging Tricks Your Browser Doesn't Want You to Know
Alan Norbauer
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Configure Visual Studio to Name Private Fields with Underscore
Steve Smith - Visual Studio vs Visual Studio Code: The Ultimate Guide
NDepend - How JetBrains Rider Implemented .NET WebAssembly Debugging
Sasha Ivanova - That's Why I Love Interactive Rebase
Lucas Rocha - ReSharper 2023.3 EAP 6: Code Analysis Performance Improvements, Support for C# 12 Interceptors, and Much More.
Rachel Appel
.NET MAUI / Xamarin
- Easily Bind SQLite Data to .NET MAUI ListView and Perform CRUD Actions
Jayaleshwari N. - From Text to Action: Creating Hyperlinks in .NET MAUI
Leomaris Reyes
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