Je, estaba deseando llegar a esta entrega de enlaces para poder contaros algo acerca del código de estado HTTP 418 😊
HTTP 418, cuya reason phrase es "I'm a teapot" (soy una tetera), es un código de estado definido por la IETF para dar soporte al HTCPCP (Hyper Text Coffe Pot Control Protocol), un protocolo especificado oficialmente en la RFC 2324 en el año 1998, con el objetivo de definir las normas de comunicación para posibilitar el control, la monitorización y el diagnóstico de cafeteras a través de Internet.
El protocolo, basado en HTTP, establece nuevos verbos (como BREW, para iniciar la elaboración de café), media types, encabezados personalizados e incluso un nuevo esquema de URIs llamado coffee URI scheme que puede utilizarse para identificar servidores y tipologías de café usando una sintaxis estándar.
Y también define nuevos códigos de retorno. Concretamente, el error 418 es usado por el servidor (el dispositivo, en este caso) para indicar al cliente que no puede procesar la petición al tratarse de una tetera y no una cafetera. Un error de cliente 4xx en toda regla ;)
Obviamente esto no era real, se trató de una trabajada broma del April's Fools Day (algo similar a nuestro Día de los Inocentes), pero que ha perdurado como una anécdota curiosa y simpática en el frío mundo de la definición de estándares.
Y ahora, van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- ¿Usar try/catch es malo para el rendimiento? Spoiler: no, siempre que nada falle
José María Aguilar - Inline out variables en C# 7
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- Lecciones aprendidas tras migrar más de 25 proyectos a .NET Core
CampusMVP - Async code smells and how to track them down with analyzers
Cezary Piątek - Introducing C# 9: Attributes on local functions
Anthony Giretti - Abstract Classes vs. Interfaces in C#
Jeremy Clark - Choose a .NET Game Engine
Abdullah Hamed - Extract Available Settings Using C#
Zanid Haytam - C# in Simple Terms - Structs and Enums & Inheritance and Polymorphism
Matthew Jones - Dynamically invoking a generic method with Reflection in .NET C#
Brian Lagunas - Introducing C# 9: Static anonymous functions
Anthony Giretti - A Highly Biased Review of C# Changes from Version 1.0 to 9.0
Matthew MacDonald - C# designer Torgersen: Why the programming language is still so popular and where it's going next
Owen Hughes - C# 8.0 nullable references: defeating the point with empty strings
Ian Griffiths - C# 9 Record Factories
Steve Collins - DICOM Image Viewer
Amarnath S
ASP.NET Core / ASP.NET / Blazor
- Validando con FluentValidation en Blazor
Eduard Tomás - ASP.NET OData 8.0 Preview for .NET 5
Sam Xu - Building Real-Time Applications with Blazor Server and Firestore
Niels Swimberghe - Blazor Simple Survey: Creating Dynamic Surveys
Michael Washington - How to Use NPM Packages in Blazor
Brian Lagunas - Publishing a self-contained Blazor component (Razor + CSS + JS) as a NuGet package
Gérald Barré BlazorGalaga: A recreation of the classic Namco fixed shooter arcade game Galag
BlazorGuy- Filtering a Bootstrap table in C# and Blazor
Tim Heuer - Integration Testing with ASP.NET Core 3.1
Adam Storr - Add Headers To A Response In ASP.NET 5
Khalid Abuhakmeh - Improve rendering performance with Blazor component virtualization
Dave Brock - How to secure a Blazor application with Azure Active Directory
Michael Crump - Attribute-Based Access Control with Blazor WebAssembly and IS4
Marinko Spasojevic - Don't ever break a URL if you can help it
Scott Hanselman - Use ASP.NET With Turbolinks 5
Khalid Abuhakmeh - Is Blazor a Safe Enterprise Bet
Peter Vogel
Azure / Cloud
- Creando módulos especializados para Azure IoT Edge
Jorge Turrado - Introducing the Microsoft Azure Modular Datacenter
Bill Karagounis - Implement a full text search using Azure Cognitive Search in ASP.NET Core
Damien Bowden - Improving Azure Functions performance
Szymon Kulec - Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate to Azure Functions
Justin Yoo - How to use a GraphQL on Azure
Michael Crump - How to Configure Advanced Threat Protection in Azure SQL Database
Michael Crump - Using encrypted access tokens in Azure with Microsoft.Identity.Web and Azure App registrations
Damien Bowden - 5 Things you didn't know about Azure App Service & 5 Things you didn't know about Azure SQL Database
Michael Crump - A Tour of the .NET Functions Framework
Jon Skeet
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- 4 Ways to Handle Test Data for Your End-to-End Tests
Dennis Martinez - Solid relevance
Robert C. Martin - Monomorphic functors
Mark Seemann - Discussing the Five Questions Every Unit Test Must Answer
Dan Wilson - Defining Service Boundaries by Splitting Entities
Derek Comartin
- Getting started with Cosmos DB on .NET Core
Pradeep Loganathan - Delete SQL Performance for SQL Server, MySQL and PostgreSQL
Alejandro Cobar
Machine learning / IA / Bots
- AI Chatbots With TensorFlow.js: Improved Emotion Detection in Text
Raphael Mun - ML.NET Image Classification with ML.NET Command-Line Interface (CLI), no #VS2019 needed !
Bruno Capuano
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- React v17.0
Dan Abramov - What Garbage Collection in JavaScript Is and How It Works
Alex Devero - 10 useful HTML file upload tips for web developers
Tapas Adhikary - Use Layoutit! to Generate CSS Grids
Jason Gaylord - Smarter Ways to Generate a Deep Nested HTML Structure
Ana Tudor - Svelte for Sites, React for Apps
Shawn Swyx Wang - JavaScript – Console-log-viewer.js an amazing script to overlay console in your HTML apps
Bruno Capuano - Let's Build a Collaborative Rich Text Editor
Kannan - A Primer on the Different Types of Browser Storage
Ido Shamun - An introduction to promises
Yogesh Chavan - stopPropagation v stopImmediatePropagation
Carl Rippon - Creating CSS Shapes with Emoji
Preethi - Parsing a CSV File With JavaScript
George Martsoukos - Create a simple On/Off slide toggle with CSS
James Bubb - CSS in 3D: Learning to Think in Cubes Instead of Boxes
Jhey Tompkins - Getting Started With Next.js
Adebiyi Adedotun - Why do you need to know about Array-like Objects?
Tapas Adhikary
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Configurar el Pipeline de Azure DevOps para compilar proyectos .NET 5
Jorge Serrano - GitHub: Code navigation for C# repositories
The GitHub Blog - Add Git Ignore to an existing Visual Studio Solution (New Git Experience)
Eric L. Anderson
- Telerik UI for Xamarin R3 2020 SP: RichTextEditor & More
Stefan Nenchev - Battery efficient background time-based location updates on iOS
Rendy del Rosario - Xamarin Forms - Network Speed Monitor & Mobile Network Speed Check(Slow or Fast) in Android
Delpin Susai Raj - Xamarin Forms – Custom Visual State triggers and Control Templates
Depechie - In-app reviews for your Android apps
Saamer Mansoor - Adding Shortcuts with Xamarin Essentials
Leomaris Reyes
- Configurar Ubuntu Linux Server para que se actualice de manera automática
José Manuel Alarcón -
La historia de Microsoft Flight Simulator (1982-1989) con cuatro simuladores en los que jugar al instante
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