lunes, 3 de febrero de 2020
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Inyección de dependencias en ASP.NET Core
José María Aguilar - Backing fields en Entity Framework Core
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
Cómo hacer mock de ILogger en .Net Core 3.x durante las pruebas
Jorge Turrado
NetCore 3 - NativeLibrary: ¡p/invoke a tope!
Eduard Tomás
Autofac 5.0 Released
Travis Illig
Prevent Zip bombs in .NET Prevent Zip Slip in .NET
Gérald Barré
Dynamically Loading Types in .NET Core with a Custom Assembly Load Context
Jeremy Clark
TraceProcessor 0.3.0
David Matson
Top 10 .NET Core Libraries Every Web Developer Should Know
Nagaraj Marisamy
Optimizing string.Count all the way from LINQ to hardware accelerated vectorized instructions
Sergio Pedri
C# Futures: Primary Constructors
Jonathan Allen
C# Coding Standards
Jesse Liberty
Deserializing JSON into polymorphic classes with System.Text.Json
Maarten Balliauw
- Dependency injection in .net core console application
Pradeep Loganathan
- Blazor WebAssembly 3.2.0 Preview 1 release now available
Daniel Roth - Using NSwag to Generate a Vue Client for an ASP.NET Core 3.1 API
Eric L. Anderson - A new experiment: Call .NET gRPC services from the browser with gRPC-Web
James Newton-King - Suppressing Events in Blazor and ASP.NET Core Version 3.1
Peter Vogel - Blazor by Example - Build a simple markdown editor
Jon Hilton - Inserting middleware between UseRouting() and UseEndpoints() as a library author
Andrew Lock - An Overview of Convention-Based Routing in ASP.NET Core 3.0 MVC
Matthew Jones -
Integrating Google Charts in ASP.NET Core
Anuraj Parameswaran - Identity-Based Authentication in .NET Core 3.0 using In-Memory Database
Prashant Rewatkar - Exploring WebWindow examples for Blazor on desktop & Building experimental hybrid Blazor WebAssembly application
Gunnar Peipman - Handling query string parameters with no value in ASP.NET Core
Thomas Levesque - What's New in Third-Party Blazor Tooling
David Ramel - .NET Core 3.0 AllowSynchronousIO Workaround
Khalid Abuhakmeh
Azure / Cloud
- WWhat is IP address
Kumar Allamraju - Azure SignalR Service and Event Grid Walkthrough
Michael Crump
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- Functional Fundamentals: Recursion
Morgan Kenyon - OWASP Top 10 - Injection
Marinko Spasojevic
- Message-IDs for Handling Concurrency
Derek Comartin - What’s the difference between EF Core and EF6 and which one should I use?
Arthur Vickers - Large Collection Performance in Entity Framework and EF Core
Jonathan Allen - EF Core adoption is very healthy
Arthur Vickers
Machine learning / IA / Bots
- Towards a Conversational Agent that Can Chat About…Anything
Daniel Adiwardana & Thang Luong
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- TypeScript enums: How do they work? What can they be used for? & Adding special values to types in TypeScript & Typing objects in TypeScript
Axel Rauschmayer - JavaScript Libraries Are Almost Never Updated Once Installed
Zack Bloom - Use and Reuse Everything in SVG… Even Animations!
Mariana Beldi - Better Modals in React
Leonardo Maldonado - A JavaScript interview question asked at Google
Elisabeth Gross - Vue.js v-hide directive, whilst keeping element's occupied space
Ryan Southgate - Smaller HTML Payloads with Service Workers
Philip Walton - Understanding Immutability in JavaScript
Kingsley Silas - Why the JavaScript import Statement is So Confusing
Joe Eames
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Admission webhooks de Kubernetes con netcore
Eduard Tomás - I Hate Regex: ideas, «chuletas» y explicaciones para crear expresiones regulares «comprendiéndolas»
Alvy - Git Branching strategies
Pradeep Loganathan - Publish a self-contained .NET Core 3.1 app on Azure DevOps
Thomas Ardal - How to Configure Visual Studio to Use SourceLink to Step into NuGet Package Source
Aaron Stannard - Trying out Container Tools in Visual Studio 2019
Scott Hanselman - Improve Parallelism in MSBuild
Felix Huang
- Xamarin.Forms 4: una nueva era en el desarrollo para móviles multiplataforma
Elena Guzmán - Sharpnado 1.4.0: Drag and Drop and Refresh!
Jean-Marie Alfonsi - Touching base with Preferences in Xamarin Forms
Leomaris Reyes
- Las principales ventajas de aprender a programar en varios lenguajes o plataformas
Manuel A. Lores - Here's everything we know about Windows 10X so far
Windows Central - Become a Better Developer by Reading Source Code
Steve Gordon
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