lunes, 18 de diciembre de 2017
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
.NET / .NET Core
- C# 7.1 – Specification: Inferred Tuple Element Names & Default Literals Expressions & Async Main Method
Jorge Serrano - Using C# dynamic Keyword To Replace Data Transfer Objects
Carl Layton - 5 More C# Extension Methods for the Stocking! (plus a bonus method for enums)
Jonathan Danylko - C# 7 Series, Part 7: Ref Returns
Mark Zhou - Deck The Halls With Strategy Pattern Implementations In C#: Basic To Advanced
James Hickey - C# 7.2 - In Parameter And Performance
Banketeshvar Narayan - Are lock and Monitor the same in C#?
Gunnar Peipman
- Unit Testing ASP.NET Core Tag Helper
Anuraj Parameswaran - Using MariaDB with ASP.NET Core 2.0
Jerrie Pelser - Planning an ASP.NET Web Forms Application: Controllers and Testing
Sara Faatz - Easy Configuration Binding in ASP.NET Core - revisited
Rick Strahl - Versioning ASP.NET Core 2.0 Web API
Tahir Naushad - Why don’t my hyperlinks work on my Razor Pages in ASP.NET Core 2.0?
Steve J. Gordon - Deployments with Zero Downtime in ASP.NET
Lachlan B.
Azure / Cloud

- - look Mom no install!
Shayne Boyer - Cloud storage now more affordable: Announcing general availability of Azure Archive Storage
Kumail Hussain - Announcing the General Availability of Azure Bot Service and Language Understanding, enabling developers to build better conversational bots
Lili Cheng - Conversational Bots Deep Dive – What’s new with the General Availability of Azure Bot Service and Language Understanding
Azure Bot Service and Language Understanding Team
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- El código duplicado no siempre es malo
Miguel Angel Bueno - Improve the Way of Writing Functions
Biswal Tanmaya - Hungarian Notation Postmortem: What Went Wrong?
Erik Diestrich] - Internet protocols are changing
Mark Nottingham - A Five-Step Process for Planning a Rewrite of a Legacy Project
Matthew P. Jones
- NHibernate 5: async IO bound operations support
Vladimir Khorikov - Gestión de errores en SQL Server
Sergio León
HTML / CSS / Javascript
- Understanding CSS Layout And The Block Formatting Context
Rachel Andrew - Keeping Parent Visible While Child in :focus
Chris Coyier - Manipulating HTML5 Canvas Using Konva: Getting Started & Basic Shapes & Complex Shapes and Sprites & Styling, & Events
Monty Shokeen - Understanding CSS Variables
Nirazan Basnet - Evolution of
: Gif without the GIF
Clin Bendell - ABEM. A more useful adaptation of BEM.
Daniel Tonon - Patterns in Large Scale JavaScript Applications, Part 2
Puneet Sharma - Adapting Images to Websites
Dino Esposito - Introduction to Web Components
Kito Mann - HTML 5.2 is done, HTML 5.3 is coming
Charles McCathie Nevile - Is jQuery still relevant?
Remy Sharp
- Variables en el lenguaje CSS: Guía de uso y abuso
José Manuel Alarcón
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Can I Have My CPU Back Visual Studio?
Rion Williams - Who messed up Visual Studio tab indent level?
Gunnar Peipman - Creating a .NET Standard Roslyn Analyzer in Visual Studio 2017
Andrew Lock - VSCode y Git
Braulio Díez - Welcome to the Microsoft Quantum Development Kit Preview
Microsoft - 1er Hola QMundo con Microsoft #Quantum Development Kit (fix para que funcione) & Tipos de operaciones posibles a realizar con #Qubit en Q#
Bruno Capuano - A Beginner’s Guide To Quantum Computing
Ankit Sharma - Forzar la actualización de Visual Studio 2017 a la última versión & Como seleccionar una especificación concreta de C# en Visual Studio 2017
Jorge Serrano - ReSharper’s Extract Method refactoring with better C# 6 and C# 7 support
Maarten Balliauw
- Culture Queries: The best questions to ask in your programming job interview
Lynne Tye - Quizá tengas el síndrome del impostor sin saberlo. ¿Qué hacer para librarse de él?
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