lunes, 27 de noviembre de 2017
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
.NET / .NET Core
- C# 7.0 – Specification: Out variables, Deconstruction, Tuples, Out variables Expression Bodied Members, Throw Expressions, Ref returns and Ref locals
Jorge Serrano (wow!) - C# 7.1, 7.2 and 8 - New and Upcoming Features
Damir Arh - Back to Basics – What is the difference between Ref and Out Keyword in C#?
Abhijit Jana - 5 C# Evolutions You May Not Know
Ahd Ben Kheder - .NET Framework setup verification tool, cleanup tool and detection sample code now support .NET Framework 4.7.1
Aaron Stebner - C# 7 Series, Part 6: Read-only structs
Mark Zhou - Creating strongly typed xUnit theory test data with TheoryData
Andrew Lock - Trying out new .NET Core Alpine Docker Images
Scott Hanselman - Analyzing performance of asynchronous .NET code with dotTrace
Alexey Totin - How to write Unit Tests for a .NET Core Application
Dhananjay Kumar - Swashbuckle Swagger UI– Prompt for Access Token (.net Core)
Chris D.
- ASP.NET Core 2.0 and the End of Bower
Shawn Wildermuth - ASP.NET Core Tag Helpers for Bootstrap
Dino Esposito - Integrar Azure Active Directory B2C con ASP.NET MVC
Gisela Torres - Creating Authorization Policies dynamically with ASP.NET Core
Jerrie Pelser - Orchard Core Beta 1 released
Sebastien Ros - Import and Export excel in ASP.NET Core 2.0 Razor Pages
Talking Dotnet - Using LESS CSS with ASP.NET Core
Anuraj Parameswaran - How to use Angular 4 with ASP.NET MVC 5
Anuraj Parameswaran - Utilizing Save-Data client hint in ASP.NET Core MVC
Tomasz Pęczek
Azure / Cloud
- Deploy a .NET Core WebAPI Project to Web App for Containers
Michael Crump - Retrieving Pop3 Emails Using Azure Functions
Michael Washington
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- .NET (Micro)ORM fetch benchmark results and the fine details
Frans Bouma - 3 Bases de Datos NoSQL más populares para iniciarse en la Nube
Juan Quijano - Auditing with EF Core and Sql Server – Part 2: Triggers, Session context and dependency injection
Benny Michielsen
HTML / CSS / Javascript
- Cómo acceder a recursos nativos desde una aplicación web
Juan María Hernández - Happier HTML5 Form Validation
Dave Rupert - Performant Animations Using KUTE.js: Part 2, Animating CSS Properties
Monty Shokeen - A Look at Angular Alongside Vue - Familiar Code
Jon Papa - HTML Email and Accessibility
Jason Rodríguez - On the Growing Popularity of Atomic CSS
Ollie Williams - Vue.js with TypeScript
Jon Papa
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Choosing the C# Language latest version (minor release ) in Visual Studio 2017
Abhijit Jana - Overview of Visual Studio 2017 and Updates for .NET Developers
Kasey Uhlenhuth - Large C# and VB solutions load significantly faster in 15.5 update
Viktor Veis - MSBuild: Targeting Your Needs
Hubert Kuffel - Announcing Language Server Protocol Preview Release
Stephanie Su - Just put together LightNuGetServer
Daniel Wertheim - ReSharper 2017.3 brings the debugger into the editor
Maarten Balliauw
- [Xamarin.Forms] Utilizando MvvmCross
Javier Suárez
- Docker and Linux Containers on Windows, with or without Hyper-V Virtual Machines
Scott Hanselman - 32 años de Windows
Jorge Serrano
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