lunes, 23 de enero de 2017
- Exploring Intermediate Language (IL) with ReSharper and dotPeek
Maarten Balliauw - Be careful with Path.GetExtension() and Path.GetFileName()
Rudy Huyn - Cloning Objects in .NET Framework Part I
Juan Francisco Morales - Essential .NET - Essential MSBuild: A Build Engine Overview for .NET Tooling
Mark Michaelis - Challenge: What does this code do?
Ayende Rahien - Cómo usar JSON en .NET fácilmente con C#
Jorge Durán - The week in .NET – On .NET with David Pine, PwdLess, Terraria
Bertrand Le Roy - C# Tuples. How tuples are related to ValueTuple
Vladimir Sadov - List of C# new features by version
DotNetCrunch - C#7: Throw Expressions and More Expression-bodied Members
Jeff Yates - Add Attributes to Unit Tests
Paul D. Sheriff - Analysing Pause times in the .NET GC
Matt Warren
- ASP.Net Session Swapping – Why it happens and what can be done about it?
Premier Developer
.NET Core / ASP.NET Core
- Inyeccion de dependencias de .NET Core – #1 DeadLocks
Unai Zorrilla - Bare metal APIs with ASP.NET Core MVC
Ben Foster - .NET Core Image Processing
Bertrand Le Roy - Defensive logging on ASP.NET Core
Gunnar Peipman - Project.json to MSBuild conversion guide
Nate McMaster - .Net Core and NancyFX: can writing a WebApi get any simpler?
Carlos Mendible - How to pass parameters to a view component
Andrew Lock - Custom Project Templates Using dotnet new
Muhammad Rehan Saeed - Conditionally Set Sliding Expiration Time on Authentication Cookies in ASP.NET Core
Robert Edström - Send email with .Net Core using Dependency Injection & .NET Core Datagrid
Bart-Jan Brouwer - File logging on ASP.NET Core
Gunnar Peipman - Display the weather using Angular 2 and .NET Core Web API
Jon Hilton - The .NET Core 2 Wave
Ed Charbeneau - Making Application Insights Fast & Secure
Muhammad Rehan Saeed - .NET Core: Cómo usar App Settings en una aplicación de consola
Walter Novoa - SignalR Core Part 1/3: Design Considerations
Pawel Kadluczka - Integrate HangFire With ASP.NET Core
Anuraj Parameswaran
Azure / Cloud
- C# Support for the Google Cloud Platform
Josh Morale
Conceptos/Patrones/Buenas prácticas
- How long should a single method be?
Vladimir Khorikov - Chain of Responsibility and Adapting to Change in Complex Apps
Peter Vogel - S.O.L.I.D, GRASP And Other Basic Principles of Object Oriented Design
Muhammad Umair - Everything you need to know about HTTP security headers
Max Veytsman - How to Turn Requirements into User Stories
Erik Dietrich - ¿Tamaño del Product Backlog? Mantenlo a dieta
Javier Garzás - Monday Vision, Daily Outcomes, Friday Reflection for Remote Team Management
Scott Hanselman
- Integration Testing with Entity Framework Core and SQL Server
David Paquette - Entity Framework: Storing complex properties as JSON text in database
Jovan Popovic
- A Table With Borders Only On The Inside
Chris Coyier - Events in JavaScript (IFrame vs Parent Window)
Lalit Chandra - Amazing Angular2 DOM Tips, Tricks, and Warnings
Dave M. Bush - Introduction To Events In AngularJS
Jasbeer Singh - Making Magic with WebSockets and CSS3
Helio Dolores - Tips de Javascript: Lograr que JSON.stringify se comporte a nuestro gusto
Leo Micheloni - Starting with module loading
Rory Primrose - Angular2 - Binding - Angular 2: What’s Working, What Needs Work and Where It’s Heading
TJ VanToll - The Line of Death
Eric Lawrence - CSS Selectors: Attribute Selectors
Tiffany Brown - Programación Funcional en JavaScript: La mónada Either
José Antonio Dongil - Un diccionario persistente en 4 líneas de javascript
Juan María Hernández - Communicating between Web Workers via MessageChannel
Axel Rauschmayer - Angular 2 is terrible
Michael Russian - Styled-Components: Enforcing Best Practices In Component-Based Systems
Max Stoiber
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
- Force Nuget to Reinstall Packages without Updating
Steve Smith - Great Angular, ASP.NET Core Starter Templates
Aaron Marisi - A New Year, A New Glyphfriend
Rion Williams - Essential developer tools to find bugs… before they get to production
Matt Watson - Como actualizar Visual Studio 2017 actualizando el instalador!
Bruno Capuano
- Mi opinión sobre Xamarin.Forms tras dos meses
Carlos Fernández - Introducing Electron to the Windows Runtime
Paul Betts
- Error Message: Your Password Must Be at Least 18770 Characters and Cannot Repeat Any of Your Previous 30689 Passwords
Microsoft ;D - Fabric is Joining Google
Rich Paret - Los desarrolladores backend, ¿hemos dejado de estar de moda?
Ángel Carlos López (vía @campusmvp) - Use the Zeigarnik Effect to learn to code faster
Steven Gilbert
Imagen del libro "The Non-Designer's Design Book
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