lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2016
- When a disk cache performs better than an in-memory cache (befriending the .net GC)
Dan Roberts - Asynchronous Programming in C# using Async Await – Best Practices
Damir Arh - The week in .NET: On .NET with Steeltoe – C# Functional Extensions – Firewatch
Bertrand Le Roy - Inspecting aspects and interception in .NET, part I, II & III
Erik Heemskerk - Compact strings in the CLR
Matt Warren - Designing with Exceptions in .NET
Jonathan Allen - Channelling my inner geek
Marc Gravell
- Secure ASP.NET ViewState
Jeffrey T. Fritz - Getting Started with IdentityServer 4
Scott Brady - Announcing theDotNetCompilerPlatform 1.0.2 release
Matt FJH - Multi-Step Input Forms in ASP.NET MVC
Dino Esposito
.NET Core / ASP.NET Core
- Setting the NLog database connection string in the ASP.NET Core appsettings.json
Damien Bowden - How to use machine-specific configuration with ASP.NET Core
Andrew Lock - Secure Your ASP.NET Core Application From Image Hotlinking
Hisham Bin Ateya - Use NancyFx in ASP.NET Core
Talking Dotnet - Reusing Configuration Files in ASP.NET Core
Connie Yau - New ASP.NET Core Feature coming to 1.1 : Better Integration of Third Party Containers in Startup Class
Maher Jendoubi - How to log different levels of information in your ASP.NET Core app
Jon Hilton - Adding Localisation to an ASP.NET Core application
Andrew Lock - Custom ASP.NET Core Middleware Example
Mike Rousos - Required query string parameters in ASP.NET Core MVC
Filip Woj - ASP.NET Core: Sectores de características para ASP.NET Core MVC
Steve Smith - Introducing IdentityServer4 for authentication and access control in ASP.NET Core
Brock Allen & Dominick Baier - Self-contained .NET Core Applications
Scott Hanselman - Creating a GPS configuration provider for ASP.NET Core 1.0
Bill Boga
Azure / Cloud
- Azure Functions in practice
Troy Hunt
Conceptos/Patrones/Buenas prácticas
- Understanding REST And RPC For HTTP APIs
Phil Sturgeon - RPC vs REST is not in the URLRPC vs REST is not in the URL
Darrel Miller - Mitosis en Scrum: Dinámica para formar equipos
Juan Laó - Wherefore Art Thou, Tech Debt?
Erik Dietrich
Data access
- Database Migrations and Seeding in ASP.NET Core
K. Scott Allen - How to use Shadow Properties with Entity Framework Core
Talking Dotnet
- jQuery 3.1.1 Released!
Timmy Willison - Introducción a las Promesas de ES6
Miguel Ángel Álvarez - How to Set Up Basic Routing in Angular 2
Reginald Dawson - TypeScript 2.0 is now available!
Daniel Rosenwasser - Una opinión personal sobre la gestión de Angular 2
José Manuel Alarcón - Understand Functions in JavaScript
Dheeraj Kumar Kesri - Welcome to HTML 5.2!
Annarita Tranfici - Angular 2: versión final ya disponible y qué esperar de ella
José Manuel Alarcón - CSS Grid meets the real world - a login form
Rachel Andrew - Angular Router Final is Released
Victor Savkin
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
- Nueva versión mejorada de FileEncodingConverter (v1.5.0)
José Manuel Alarcón - Git Cheatsheet
Matt Goldspink
- [Curso CampusMVP] Desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles nativas multiplataforma con C# y Xamarin Wow!
Javier Suárez - Adding Facial Recognition to Your Mobile Apps
Pierce Boggan
- Consejos sobre el entorno de trabajo para mejorar tu productividad (II)
CampusMVP - Análisis de todos los robots.txt del Top 1 Millón del ranking de Alexa #pentesting #Python
Miguel A. Hernández Ruiz - Evitando la fatiga – Consejos para no sentirse desbordado con la programación web
Carlos Benítez - 5 Reasons Architect and Developers Argue
Erik Dietrich - The 280-Year-Old Algorithm Inside Google Trips
Bogdan Arsintescu & Sreenivas Gollapudi - ¿Y si desarrollo me engaña con las estimaciones?
Javier Garzás - Hololens – Xamarin, URHO y un ejemplo de Spatial Mapping (que está a 2 clicks de ser un Shooting Game)
Bruno Capuano
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