lunes, 5 de octubre de 2015
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada, espero que os resulten interesantes :-)
- Tasks are (still) not threads and async is not parallel
- Pam Lahoud
- Using Roslyn and unit tests to enforce coding guidelines and more
Filip Woj - Which Works Faster- Null Coalescing Operator or GetValueOrDefault or Conditional Operator
Anton Angelov
- Exception Handling in ASP.NET Web API - A Guided Tour
Matthew Jones - MVC 6 attribute routing new features and differences with MVC 5
Hamid Mosalla - ASP.NET 5 Exception filters and resource filters
Damien Bod - Introducing ASP.NET WebHooks Receivers - WebHooks made easy.
Scott Hanselman - Class library Packages (AKA ASP.NET5 Class Library) y Class Libraries “normales”
Eduard Tomás - ASP.NET Multitenant Applications Succinctly Released
Ricardo Peres - Implementing ASP.NET Web API Versioning using Custom Header and testing it in an Angular.js application
Mahesh Sabnis - Upload large files to MVC / WebAPI using partitioning
AJSON - Dynamically Generating Sitemap.xml for ASP.NET MVC
Muhammad Rehan Saeed - Custom MVC Validations – A Quick Walkthrough
Web Technobrat - Using enums with the ASP.NET 5 (MVC 6) Select TagHelper
Jerrie Pelser - Url routing in MVC application
Azure / Cloud
- How to move Azure VM between subscriptions
Laurent Ellerbach
Conceptos/Patrones/Buenas prácticas
- 6 Rules of thumb to build blazing fast web server applications
Luciano Mammino - Containers 101
Bob Reselman
Data access
- Code Completion Improvements in ReSharper 9
Dmitri Nesteruk - Variadic Functions In JavaScript
Eric Anderson - JavaScript Promises and Error Handling
K. Scott Allen - JavaScript goes to Asynchronous city
David Catuhe - Promise estándar then() de $http en AngularJS 1.4
Miguel Ángel Álvarez - The Genius of Template Strings in ES6
Chris Heilmann - ES6 in depth (colección)
Nicolas Bevacqua - Managing Functions in TypeScript
Peter Vogel - Apply CSS Important In JQuery And CSS
Sibeesh Passion - Chaining Promises in JavaScript and JavaScript Promise API
Scott K. Allen - Vorlon.js: Focus on DOM Explorer
David Catuhe
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
- IntelliTest for .NET - Test More with Less (effort)
Pratap Lakshman - Serving Static Content With IISExpress
Rido Mínguez - How to undo (almost) anything with Git
Joshua Wehner - ReSharper 10 EAP 2
Jura Gorohovsky - Gulp and Visual Studio: concatenation and minification
Edward Ridge
- Scala desde la perspectiva de C# y JavaScript, segunda parte
Roberto Luis Bisbé - Cómo guardar a disco un mensaje de GMail en formato estándar
José Manuel Alarcón - Los mejores libros sobre desarrollo de software
Juan María Hernández
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