lunes, 9 de junio de 2014
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada, espero que os resulten interesantes ;-)
- Mixing Sync & Async calls
Ayende Rahien - Neural Networks Using C# Succinctly (Download ebook)
James McCaffey
- How to debug your code with MVC fresh source code
Michael Lee - ASP.NET Identity 2.1.0-alpha1
Pranav Rastogi - QueueBackgroundWorkItem to reliably schedule and run background processes in ASP.NET
Rick Anderson - ASP.Net MVC – Hyperlinks – Open the page in a new browser window
Arun Ramachandran - ASP.NET vNext in Visual Studio “14” CTP
Pranav Rastogi - Announcing web features in Visual Studio “14” CTP
Xinyang Qiu - ASP.NET Identity 2.0 Change Primary Key from String to Integer
S. M. Quamruzzaman Rahmani
Azure / Cloud
- Fresh Updates to Azure Mobile Services .NET
Henrik F. Nielsen - MVC movie app with Azure Redis Cache in 15 minutes
Rick Anderson - Accessing Visual Studio Online from YOUR Azure Account – Now we can with this new PaaS offering
John V. Petersen
Conceptos/Patrones/Buenas prácticas
- I Don't Have Time for Unit Testing!
Deborah Kurata - Programar sería horrible sin el azúcar sintáctico (I)
Johnbo - Ley de Demeter; Tell, Don’t Ask y God Object
Juan María Hernández - Simplify code by using composition
Kenneth Truyers
Data access
- [NoSQL] Replace vs Modified arrays en MongoDb
Luis Ruiz Pavón - [EntityFramework] Agregando propiedades y metadatos a nuestras clases autogeneradas en DB First
Gustavo Alzate - Visual Studio 14 CTP and Entity Framework
Rowan Miller - Writing Flexible Entity Framework Methods with Set
Peter Vogel - Capturing Results from Stored Procedures with Entity Framework 6
Peter Vogel - Performance Considerations for Entity Framework 4, 5, and 6
David Obando, Eric Dettinger & others
- Closing over the loop variable is just as harmful in JavaScript as it is in C#, and more cumbersome to fix
Raymond Chen - A first-person engine in 265 lines Woooow!!
Hunter Loftis - AngularJS Dependency Injection from The Ground Up
Tero Parviainen - El Operador de Propagación en Javascript (ECMAScript 6 y polyfill)
Carlos Benítez - AngularJs ng-cloak Problems on large Pages
Rick Strahl - Using AngularJS and TypeScript to Build Single Page Applications (SPA)
Ravi Kiran - AngularJS - Introduction to Directives
John Ptacek - My ECMAScript 7 wishlist
Nicholas C. Zakas - JavaScript Performance tip using a Closure
Alex Staveley
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
- Automatic optimization of images, CSS and JavaScript
Mads Kristensen - Visual Studio “14” CTP now available in the Virtual Machine Azure Gallery
Charles Stering - T4 basis
Mathhieu Mezil - DartVS - Dart Support for Visual Studio
Danny Tuppeny - Visual Studio "14" CTP
S. Somasegar
- REVIEW- Xamarin for Cross Platform Mobile Development
Joe Stagner - Introducción a Xamarin.Forms (1/2)
Javier Suárez Ruiz - iOS User Interface design in Visual Studio and Xamarin Studio
Mike Bluestein
- This URL shortener situation is officially out of control
Scott Hanselman - 10 años de este blog y cuánto cuesta crearlo ¡Felicidades!
José Manuel Alarcón
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