lunes, 20 de mayo de 2013
Estos son los enlaces que he ido recopilando durante la semana del 13 al 17 de mayo de 2013. Espero que os resulten interesantes :-)
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- Profiling your ASP.NET MVC Applications with MiniProfiler
Suprotim Agarwal - Exportar String a PDF en ASP.NET con iTextSharp
Gonzalo Pérez - Adopting ASP.NET MVC enhancements in an Existing Web Forms Project
Suprotim Argawal - MVC Output Caching During Development
Adam Storr - Real Time Commenting Using SignalR and XSLT
Amir Jalilifard - ASP.NET MVC plugin framework
Joey Zhao - Redirecting ASP.NET Legacy URLs to Extensionless with the IIS Rewrite Module
Scott Hanselman - Parsing OData Paths, $select and $expand using the ODataUriParser
Alex D. James - Using Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in ASP.NET Web API
Bipin Joshi
Azure / Cloud
Conceptos/Patrones/Buenas prácticas
Data access
- EF 6: Operaciones de migraciones personalizadas
Unai Zorrilla
- Slider with Sliding Backgrounds
Chris Coyier - Multi-line strings in JavaScript and Node.js
Tomasz Janczuk - AngularJS Abstractions: Scope
K. Scott Allen - Graceful Handling Of JavaScript Errors
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar - jQuery 1.9+ .Ajax() New Promise Interface Advantages
Sam Deering - AngularJS Abstractions: Controllers
K. Scott Allen - How To Avoid Duplicate Downloads In Responsive Images
David Newton - Toastr 1.3.0 Now Available
John Papa
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
- Referencia rápida de comandos de GIT
Juan Quijano - ReSharper 8 EAP: NuGet based Extension Manager
Matt Ellis - Servidor de Integración Continua, una buena inversión
Juan María Hernández - Working with TypeScript in Visual Studio 2012
Gaston Hillar - [#Resharper] Tip: Introduce Variable (un #refactoring interno de los buenos buenos)
Bruno Capuano - Launching ASP.NET web applications on multiple browsers at the same time from Visual Studio(2012)
RKT.Ashoka - Performance series - Announcing SuperBenchmarker sb.exe for generating load on your API/Site
Aliostad - Trying Out Redis via NuGet
K. Scott Allen
- Who wrote the original BSOD (and why white-on-blue)?
Howard Kapustein - El futuro del trabajo- innovación exponencial y polarización
José Manuel Alarcón
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