Lo primero, aunque llegue algo tarde, aprovecho para desearos unas felices fiestas :)
Y siguiendo con nuestro tema, aunque no está recogido en ninguna RFC ni documento oficial (o al menos no he sido capaz de encontrarlo) el código de error HTTP 509 (Bandwidth Limit Exceeded) suele utilizarse para informar al lado cliente de que la solicitud no puede ser procesada porque el servidor ha sobrepasado el límite de ancho de banda que tenía disponible. Normalmente ocurre cuando el plan del hosting utilizado es insuficiente para manejar el tráfico del sitio web, por lo que debe ser upgradeado para que todo siga funcionando.
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Cómo detectar navegadores que no soportan Blazor WebAssembly
José María Aguilar - Crear puntos de ruptura en tiempo de ejecución con .NET
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- How to Secure Passwords with BCrypt.NET
Code Maze - Build Your Own Podcast App with .NET 7, Blazor, and .NET MAUI
James Montemagno - Ref-structs are technically obsolete
James Turner - Will ChatGPT replace .NET developers?
David Grace - Delete dotnet bin and obj folders recursively
Steve Smith - Extreme LINQ Performance Boost in .NET 7
Ivan Matec - Generating C# bindings for native libraries by using ChatGPT
Muhammad Azeez - Enhancing the Factory Pattern with C# Attributes
John Patrick Glattetre - Better assertions for your unit tests
Johan Smarius - Microsoft .NET History
Lazie Wouters - Introduction to MVVM Source Generators for C# .NET
Julian Ewers-Peters - Saving Christmas with Functional C#
Simon Painter - IEnumerable in C#
Code Maze - How the heap verification mode helps with debugging heap corruption
Maoni Stephens - C# 11.0: Raw String Literals
Thomas Claudius Huber
ASP.NET Core / ASP.NET / Blazor
- A Simple To-Do App Using JS Interop with HTML5 Drag and Drop in Blazor WebAssembly
Rajendran R. - ASP.NET Core Display Description Tag Helper
Khalid Abuhakmeh - Blazor Implementations Across Web & Native
Sam Basu - Prefix your http requests without touching the actual HttpClient code
Josef Ottosson - A Web Server that Echoes Requests and Sometimes Faults with a 500 Error
Bryan Hogan - Test Authorization in ASP.NET Core Web APIs With the user-jwts Tool
Andrea Chiarelli - 7 Tips for Building a Good Web API
Assis Zang
Azure / Cloud
- Migrating Azure Database for PostgreSQL Single Server to Flexible Server
Juan Luis Guerrero - Experimenting With .NET & WebAssembly - Running .NET Based Spin Application On WASI Node Pool in AKS
Tomasz Pęczek
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- Error-accumulating composable assertions in C#
Mark Seemann - Structure and order your DI container
Steven Giesel - Method-Core Injection: a C# Pattern for Reducing Boilerplate Code
Ann Lewkowicz - Why You Should Add Mutation Testing to Your Workflow
Michael McNeil - Five tips to become a Pragmatic Programmer
Neil Giarratana - Explicit events serialisation in Event Sourcing
Oskar Dudycz - Do you need a Distributed Transaction? Maybe not!
Derek Comartin
Machine learning / IA / Bots
- In case you missed GPT-3
Lazare Masset - How ChatGPT actually works
Marco Ramponi - The Traveling Salesman Problem Using an Evolutionary Algorithm with C#
James McCaffrey
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- Old Photo Effect with CSS
Alvaro Montoro - Horizontal Scrolling using CSS Grid
Jennifer Bland - 4 ways CSS :has() can make your HTML forms even better
Austin Gil - Understanding JavaScript Promises
Kelsy Mnk - Help choose the syntax for CSS Nesting
Jen Simmons - Angular Basics: Intro to Angular Interceptors
Dany Paredes - Using Angular Testing Library with Test Harnesses
Tim Deschryver - rem vs em - Everything you need to know
Necati Özmen - A Complete Guide to Creating a Mind Map Using Angular Diagram Component
Sarathkumar V. - Deploying CSS Logical Properties On Web Apps
Nicolas Hoffmann - Introduction to Rust for JavaScript Developers
Leonardo Maldonado - Detect user is online with Javascript
Rahul Gupta
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Adding new files just got a lot faster
Josh Stevens - How To Use Visual Studio Dev Tunnels to Receive Webhooks on Localhost
Kwok He Chu - Write markdown without leaving Visual Studio
Dante Gagne - 20 Git Commands you (probably) didn't know about
Alicia Sykes - Generating a dump file when tests hang on a CI machine
Gérald Barré
.NET MAUI / Xamarin
- Getting started with TwoPaneView layout in .NET MAUI
Leomaris Reyes - Introducing the Sixth Set of .NET MAUI Controls
Selva Ganapathy Kathiresan - Android Splash Screen Logos and Animations with Xamarin
Walter Aguilar - Implementing Maps in .NET MAUI
Leomaris Reyes
- WordPress Playground: WordPress in the Browser
Geoff Graham
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