lunes, 20 de diciembre de 2021
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Por si te lo perdiste...
- ¿Por qué no compila este código C#?
José María Aguilar - Backing fields en Entity Framework Core
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
- C# 10: "usings" globales e implícitos
José Manuel Alarcón - .NET 6 Networking Improvements
Máňa Píchová - How to Upgrade a Codebase from .NET Framework to .NET 6
Christian Findlay - Parallel.ForEachAsync Deep Dive
Greg Bair - .NET 6 vs .NET 4.8 GC stats - ~64% shorter max GC pause times (due to 1 letter removed in runtime)
Niels Rasmussen - How to Run Code in a New Thread in C#
Marinko Spasojevic - Testing an incremental generator with snapshot testing: Creating a source generator
Andrew Lock - Remove those useless File.Exists calls
Gérald Barré - How to Check if a StringBuilder Is Empty
Marinko Spasojevic - C# Tip: use yield return to return one item at the time
Davide Bellone - Send Emails using the SendGrid API with .NET 6 and C#
Niels Swimberghe - Getting Started With .NET IL
Mike James - How to Get an Item by Index From Dictionary in C#
Marinko Spasojevic - 7 Ways to Find and Highlight Text in a PDF Using .NET C#
Mackenzie Albitz - Collection Performance: How Do You LINQ?
David McCarter - Send Emails using the SendGrid API with .NET 6 and C#
Niels Swimberghe - String Interpolation Trickery and Magic with C# 10 and .NET 6
Brant Burnett - Unit Testing ILogger
Jonathan Danylko - Syncfusion Essential Studio 2021 Volume 4 Is Here!
Suresh M.
ASP.NET Core / ASP.NET / Blazor
- Integration Testing ASP.NET Core 6 Minimal APIs
Anuraj Parameswaran - Implement Compound Proof BBS+ verifiable credentials using ASP.NET Core and MATTR
Damien Bowden - Using Minimal APIs in ASP.NET Core Razor Pages
Mike Brind - JSON in HTML Attributes With ASP.NET Core TagHelpers
Khalid Abuhakmeh - Posting AJAX Requests to ASP.NET Core MVC
Ricardo Peres - Mocking Authentication and Authorization in ASP.NET Core Integration Tests
Muhammad Azeez - Migrating from ASP.NET Core 5.0 MVC app to 6.0
Anuraj Parameswaran
Azure / Cloud
- How to use Azure Bastion to access virtual machines
Michael Crump
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- Best practice and Cheat sheet for REST API Design
Love Sharma - Backwards compatibility as a profunctor
Mark Seemann - gRPC - Best Practices
Manuel - Don’t start with microservices – monoliths are your friend
Arnold Galovics - Why I don't use MediatR for CQRS
Cezary Piątek - Patterns for Authorization in Microservices
Graham Kaemer
- EF Core 6 new features and changes for .NET 6
David Grace - Announcing the Plan for EF7
Jeremy Likness - DynamoDB – Creating Tables Using the AWS SDK for .NET in .NET Core & Creating Tables Using the AWS SDK for .NET in .NET Core
Daniel Donbavand - We Three Things: Dynamitey, Humanizer, SqlServer.Types
Matthew D. Groves
Machine learning / IA / Bots
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- How To Make A Extension For Edge or Chrome
Grant McNamara - Resolving pitfalls of the ECMAScript class system
Tobias Uhlig - Defending against XSS with CSP
Philippe De Ryck - TypeScript Utility: keyof nested object
Pedro Figueiredo - Optimistic Concurrency in an HTTP API with ETags & Hypermedia
Derek Comartin - Cross-fading any two DOM elements is currently impossible
Jake Archibald - HTML Sanitizer API
Chris Coyier - JavaScript security: Vulnerabilities and best practices
Anna Monus - Consistent, Fluidly Scaling Type and Spacing
Andy Bell - JavaScript Modules – A Beginner's Guide
Madison Kanna - What’s new in TypeScript 4.5
Lawrence Eagles - The surprising behavior of "important CSS custom properties"
Stefan Judis - Quickly Adding Many Elements into the DOM
Kirupa Chinnathambi
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Visual Studio 2022 for Mac Preview 4
Jordan Matthiesen - Deploying an Azure Static Web App with Pulumi as a Beginner
Adam Storr - Pulumi with an Azure Blob Storage backend
Alexandre Nédélec - What’s new in .NET Productivity with Visual Studio 2022
Mika Dumont - The User Old Heap (UOH)
Mark Downie - Windows Terminal as your Default Command Line Experience
Kayla Cinnamon - What’s New With Visual Studio 2022
Joseph Guadagno
Xamarin / .NET MAUI / Mobile
- Machine Learning in Xamarin.Forms with ONNX Runtime
Mike Parker - Create a File Picker Using Xamarin.Essentials and Telerik UI
Dobrinka Yordanova - Applying borders in .NET MAUI
Leomaris Reyes - Controls with NControl!
Walter Aguilar - Dual-screen reference app
Bianca Miron - Xamarin.Forms - Style Inheritance
Delpin Susai Raj - Masking elements with Clipping in .NET MAUI
Leomaris Reyes
- Microsoft Office: cómo poder guardar directamente a disco un documento
José Manuel Alarcón
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