lunes, 20 de enero de 2020
Por si te lo perdiste...
- Antipatrones de asincronía en C#
José María Aguilar - El archivo _ViewImports en ASP.NET Core MVC
José María Aguilar
.NET Core / .NET
Digest Authentication en .NET Core 3.x
Jorge Serrano
Type.GetType Functionality Has Not Changed in .NET Core
Jeremy Clark
The Reunification of .NET 5
Matthew MacDonald
Implementing State in .NET Core gRPC Messages with oneof
Peter Vogel
C# 8.0: Understanding Using Declarations
Steve Gordon
C# 9 Proposals: Module Initializers
Jonathan Allen
Collecting and analyzing memory dumps
Sourabh Shirhatti
C# Futures: Simplified Parameter Null Validation
Jonathan Allen
SelfServe: A Self-hosting Self-installing Windows Service
Honey the codewitch
UTF-8 BOM adventures in C#
Daniel Wertheim
Not planning now to migrate your .NET 4.8 legacy, is certainly a mistake
Patrick Smacchia
- Create fake user for ASP.NET Core integration tests
Gunnar Peipman - ASP.Net Core 3 – pass parameters to actions
Michał Białecki - Introducing Identity to the ASP.NET Core Project
Marinko Spasojevic - Updating my ASP.NET podcast site to System.Text.Json from Newtonsoft.Json
Scott Hanselman - Blazor Full-Stack Web Dev in ASP .NET Core 3.1
Shahed Chowdhuri - Solving Access Denied in Crypto Machine Keys
K. Scott Allen - Blazor Azure AD B2C Custom URL
Bradley Wells - Less ReST, more Hot Chocolate
Ian Bebbington - Logging MVC properties with Serilog.AspNetCore: Using Serilog.AspNetCore in ASP.NET Core 3.0
Andrew Lock - Using AutoMapper with ASP.NET Core 3 |
Michael Jolley - Using gRPC-Web with Blazor WebAssembly
Steve Sanderson - ASP.NET Core IIS InProcess Hosting Issue in .NET Core 3.1
Rick Strahl - Refreshing your Legacy ASP.NET IdentityServer Client Applications (with PKCE)
Scott Brady - Don't Do It All Yourself: Exploiting gRPC Well Known Types in .NET Core
Peter Vogel - ASP.Net Core 3 – Dependency Injection
Michał Białecki - Additional API Endpoints to IdentityServer 4
Luis Ruiz
Azure / Cloud
- Azure App Configuration: Configuración centralizada de aplicaciones
Jorge Turrado - Make your data searchable with Azure Search and AI
Michael Crump - Configure Full (Strict) Cloudflare SSL for an Azure App Service Website
Mark Heath - Azure DevOps - YAML for CI-CD Pipelines
Gouri Sohoni - Installing a Free SSL Certificate on Azure
Chris A. Johnson - Invoking non-HTTP Azure Functions over HTTP to make development easier
Maarten Balliauw
Conceptos / Patrones / Buenas prácticas
- ¿Qué es un Webhook? o ¿Cómo lograr ser informado de eventos sin hacer pooling?
Leo Micheloni - Solving Sudoku with backtracking
Julian M. Bucknall - On doing katas
Mark Seemann - Message Naming Guidelines
Derek Comartin - Moving Complexity
K. Scott Allen
- Introducing EF Core 5 Features: Using ToQueryString to get generated SQL
Arthur Vickers - CreateDbCommand: I’ll see your string and raise you a command…
Arthur Vickers - EF Core Tips: Don’t call Update when you don’t need to! & Make sure to call Update when it is needed!
Arthur Vickers
Machine learning / IA / Bots
- Introduction to Double Q-Learning
Rubik's Code - Using The Microsoft Bot Framework Composer
Michael Washington
Web / HTML / CSS / Javascript
- Explore WebAssembly System Interface (WASI for Wasm) From Your Browser
Jeremy Likness - Animate Text on Scroll
Chris Coyier - A class-based enum pattern for JavaScript
Axel Rauschmayer - A Trick That Makes Drawing SVG Lines Way Easier
Chris Coyier - New year, new browser - The new Microsoft Edge is out of preview and now available for download
Joe Belfiore
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Gestionar información sensible en Kubernetes con secretos & Desacoplar la configuración de tus pods en Kubernetes con ConfigMaps & Cómo se gestionan las réplicas de tus pods en Kubernetes
Gisela Torres - Docker: Los 10 términos de que debes conocer para empezar a trabajar
Eduard Tomás - Using the .editorconfig in VS2019 and VSCode
Jürgen Gutsch - Yori - The quiet little CMD replacement that you need to install NOW
Scott Hanselman - Windows Terminal Preview v0.8 Release
Kayla Cinnamon - Capture Network Logs from Edge and Chrome
Eric Law - Hide Your Secrets in VS Code with Cloak
John Papa
Xamarin / Mobile

- Announcing Experimental Mobile Blazor Bindings
Eilon Lipton - Sign in with Apple in Xamarin Forms
Rendy del Rosario - Getting started with Prism
Delpin Susai Raj - TaskLoaderView 2.0: Let's burn IsBusy=true!
Jean-Marie Alfonsi - Xamarin Forms Tips, Navigate to a Page and Wait Results
Damien Tohin Doumer - My First Xamarin app
Phil Haack - Simplifying Visual State Manager with TargetName
Gerald Versluis - Blazor Mobile, Uno Platform, and WebAssembly - piling up the tech
Uno Platform - XfEffects: Forms Effect to automatically scale FontSize on Label
Marco Siccardi - Create Xamarin.Forms Android App Bundle (aab) and release it to Google Play Store with DevOps
Mikolaj Kieres
Los años locos de la seguridad informática: De la camiseta prohibida al virus de una sola línea de código
Fran Ramírez & Rafael Troncoso- Cómo sacar partido en tus aplicaciones al modo de ahorro de datos de los navegadores
José Manuel Alarcón - ¿Necesitamos managers?
Félix López - JetBrains Mono: A free and open source typeface for developers
JetBrains - How is computer programming different today than 20 years ago?
Sedat Kapanoglu
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