martes, 9 de octubre de 2018
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
Publicado en:
Por si te lo perdiste...
- ¿Recomendarías a tu hijo que se dedicase al mundo del desarrollo de software?
José M. Aguilar - Cómo incluir scripts en la página desde vistas parciales ASP.NET Core MVC con DynamicSections
José María Aguilar
.NET / .NET Core
- .NET Core 2.0 Sees End of Life, 2.1.5 Update Released
David Ramel - Update on .NET Core 3.0 and .NET Framework 4.8
Scott Hunter - I didn't understand why people struggled with (.NET's) async
Dan - C# Intermediate: Structures in C# & Enumerations in C#
Marinko Spasojevic - The danger of TaskCompletionSource<T> class
Sergey Teplyakov - Using Async with ManualResetEventSlim
Calvin H. - BenchmarkMockNet: Benchmarking .NET Mocking Libraries
Steve Desmond - Middle Ground between Server and Workstation GC
Maoni Stephens - Unit Testing With .NET Core
Jeremy Morgan - .NET Tip: Testing Private Fields
Peter Vogel - A Recap about Creating Maps for AutoMapper in .NET Core
Silvia Campo - FixedTimeEquals in .NET Core
Kevin Jones - LINQ Stinks - code smells in your LINQ
Mark Heath - A History of .NET Runtimes
Matt Warren
- Exploring .NET Core's SourceLink - Stepping into the Source Code of NuGet packages you don't own
Scott Hanselman - Creating PDF files in ASP.NET Core
Damien Bowden - Integrating JavaScript and C# in the Browser: Beyond the Basics with Blazor
Peter Vogel - Headless CMS and Decoupled CMS in .NET Core
Scott Hanselman - Server-Side Blazor to Ship in .NET Core 3.0
David Ramel - Simple Paging In ASP.NET Core Razor Pages
Mike Brind - ASP.NET Core and Blazor on Mac: Dockerizing Applications
Vincent Maverick Durano - Creating a PDF in ASP.NET Core using MigraDoc PDFSharp
Damien Bowden - Using DbUp in AspNetCore application
Janak Shrestha - Action Filters in .NET Core Web API
Marinko Spasojevic - Adding decorated classes to the ASP.NET Core DI container using Scrutor
Andrew Lock - Building Blazor apps with SignalR Core
Anuraj Parameswaran - Announcing ASP.NET SignalR 2.4.0 Preview 1
Andrew Stanton-Nurse - Convert null-valued results to 404 in ASP.NET Core MVC
Filip Woj
Azure / Cloud
- Announcing Orleans 2.1
Reuben Bond - Use Hybrid Connections to Incrementally Migrate Applications to the Cloud
Andrew Hall
- Learning Entity Framework (Day 3): ASP.NET Web API 2 with Entity Framework 6 Code First Migrations
Akhil Mittal - Adaptive Query Processing in SQL Server 2017
Robert Sheldon - Faster MS SQL database existence checking with Entity Framework Core and Entity Framework
Jiří Činčura
HTML / CSS / Javascript
- WebAssembly on Cloudflare Workers
The Cloudflare Blog - How Do You Put a Border on Three Sides of an Element?
Chris Coyier - Creating Flexible Layouts with Flexbox
Tiffany Brown - Apply a Filter to a Background Image
Chris Coyier - Creating Layouts with CSS Grid
SitePoint - CSS Only Floated Labels with :placeholder-shown pseudo class
Nick Salloum - Use Cases For Flexbox
Rachel Andrew - Moving Backgrounds With Mouse Position
Chris Coyier - CSS Debugging and Optimization: Code-quality Tools & Minification with CSSO & * Minification with CSSO
Tiffany Brown - One Invalid Pseudo Selector Equals an Entire Ignored Selector
Chris Coyier - JavaScript tiene dos valores para el número cero, y no son iguales aunque lo parezcan
José Manuel Alarcón
Visual Studio / Complementos / Herramientas
- Visual Studio 2017 version 15.9 Preview 3
Angel Zhou - Unit testing memory leaks using dotMemory Unit
Maarten Balliauw
- [Material] Analizando interfaces de usuario avanzadas con Xamarin.Forms
Javier Suárez Ruiz
MS-DOS v1.25 and v2.0 Source Code
Microsoft - ¿Expertos o eternos principiantes?
Juan Palacio
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