lunes, 31 de octubre de 2016
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
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- How does the 'fixed' keyword work?
Matt Warren - The week in .NET – .NET, ASP.NET, EF Core 1.1 Preview 1 – On .NET on EF Core 1.1 – Changelog – FluentValidation – Reverse: Time Collapse
Bertrand Le Roy - Interception in .NET – Part 4: An Interception Framework
Ricardo Peres - Roslyn - How to create a custom debuggable scripting language?
Michal Komorowski
.NET Core / ASP.NET Core
- Middleware filter in ASP.NET Core
Anuraj P. - Angular2 search with ASP.NET Core and ElasticSearch
Damien Bowden - Using dotnet watch test for continuous testing with .NET Core and
Scott Hanselman - Building a SPA with Aurelia on ASP.NET Core using TypeScript and Sass
Andreas Wänqvist - Using xUnit with ASP.NET Core
Gunnar Peipman - Accessing services when configuring MvcOptions in ASP.NET Core
Andrew Lock - Bearer Token Authentication in ASP.NET Core
Mike Rousos - Using Response Compression Middleware in ASP.NET Core
Anuraj P. - Building your .NET Core app using Yeoman
Jon Hilton - Run & Deploy ASP .Net Core Web Applications on Ubuntu Linux (AWS EC2) behind Apache Server
Shumit Chauhan - Testing SSL in ASP.NET Core
Shawn Wildermuth - Free ASP.NET Core 1.0 Training on Microsoft Virtual Academy
Scott Hanselman - Using WebListener in ASP.NET Core
Anuraj P. - ASP.NET Core and the Enterprise Part 2: Hosting
K. Scott Allen - Resource-based authorisation in ASP.NET Core
Andrew Lock - Announcing .NET Core 1.1 Preview 1
Rich Lander - Announcing ASP.NET Core 1.1 Preview 1
Jeffrey T. Fritz - IdentityServer4 RC1
Dominick Baier - Contoso University updated to ASP.NET Core
Jimmy Bogard - Exploring ServiceStack's simple and fast web services on .NET Core
Scott Hanselman
Azure / Cloud
- Usa IIS Manager para gestionar tus Azure Web Apps
Gisela Torres
Conceptos/Patrones/Buenas prácticas
- 6 encryption mistakes that lead to data breaches
Yaron Guez - Advanced Use Cases for the Repository Pattern in .NET
Jonathan Allen - Getting started with HTTP/2 and server push
Dean Hume - Introduction to the 'Fail Fast!' Principle in Software Development
Christian Neumanns - Should I PUT or should I POST? (Darling you gotta let me know)
Pedro Félix - 10 Modern Software Over-Engineering Mistakes
RDX - Introduction to Machine Learning
Mostafa Eissa
- Dependency Injection in EF Core 1.1 & Collection navigation properties and fields in EF Core 1.1
Arthur Vickers
Using Azure DocumentDB and ASP.NET Core for extreme NoSQL performance
Matías Quaranta - Announcing Entity Framework Core 1.1 Preview 1
Rowan Miller - EF Core 1.1 – Creating DbContext instances
Arthur Vickers - Uso de Sequence de Sql Server desde .NET
Javier Torrecilla
- Garbage Collection and Memory Management in JavaScript
Rahul VB - Spoooooky CSS Selectors & Carousels Don’t Have to be Complicated
Chris Coyier - Snippet: comprobar si un contenedor HTML está vacío (sin importar espacios o saltos de línea)
Carlos Benítez - What is the difference between CSS variables and preprocessor variables?
Chris Coyier - ECMASCript 2016 elimina el uso de “strict mode” en el cuerpo de funciones
Carlos Benítez - Responsive Images in CSS
Chris Coyier - Migrating Angular 1 Applications to Angular 2 in 5 Simple Steps
Victor Savkin - Tips for using async functions (ES2017)
Axel Rauschmayer
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
- Navigate to text in a solution with Go to Text in ReSharper
Maarten Balliauw - Announcing NuGet 3.5 RTM
Harikrishna Menon - La consola mola
Juan María Hernández
- Winter is Comming: Algunas reflexiones sobre el DDOS que tumbó Twitter, WhatsApp y alertó al mundo
Chema Alonso - Windows and those amazing and secure old days !
Bruno Capuano
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