lunes, 15 de febrero de 2016
Ahí van los enlaces recopilados durante la semana pasada. Espero que os resulten interesantes. :-)
- The week in .NET – 2/11/2016
Bertrand Le Roy - Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) in C#
- Peter Occil
- A (Hitchhiker's) Guide To The .NET Core Projects on GitHub
Mark Rendle - Generic Mapper written in TDD
Manfred Zik - A Single SignOn Implementation
Chihwei Chang - NamingFormatter - String Interpolation in runtime solution
Kouji Matsui - C# 7 Feature Proposal: Slicing
Bill Wagner - C#Lectures - Lecture 1: Primitive Types
Sergey Kizyan - Liskov Substitution Principle in C#
- Amir Ahani
- Testing That Your Public APIs Have Not Changed Unexpectedly with PublicApiGenerator and Approval Tests
Jason Roberts - Dynamic code generation in C#
Ayende Rahien
- [ASPNET Web API] Web API y OWIN desde 0
Julio Avellaneda - ServiceStack and Razor Forms
Patrick Steele - OWASP #6 Preventing Sensitive Data Exposure in ASP.NET – Part 1 & Part 2
Max R McCarty - CRUD with oData V4 and ASP.NET Web API
Siddharth R Barman
.NET Core/ASP.NET Core
- Writing Custom Middleware in ASP.NET Core 1.0
Matthew P Jones - Discontinued Technology in .NET Core
Jonathan Allen - Encoded JavaScript in ASP.NET MVC Core
Ricardo Peres - ASP.NET Core Embedded Resource
Derek Comartin - How To Stop Worrying About ASP.NET Startup Conventions
K. Scott Allen - Porting to .NET Core
Immo Landwerth - ASP.NET Community Standup – February 2, 2016
Jeffrey T. Fritz - Building OWIN MiddleWare for ASP.NET vNext
Matt Millican - FormatFilter and MediaTypeMappings in ASP.NET Core 1.0 MVC
Filip Woj
Azure / Cloud
- Azure Redis Cache, the fast in-memory cache service
Venkata Koppaka - Free eBook: Fundamentals of Azure
Chris Pietschmann - How (Not) to send emails from your web site – The Problem (Part 1) & Service Bus Queues (Part 2) & Topics and subscriptions (Part 3)
John Hilton - Refactorizando y reutilizando runbooks en Azure Automation
Gisela Torres
Conceptos/Patrones/Buenas prácticas
- What is Continuous Integration and Why Do You Need It? & Continuous Integration with Teamcity
Vladimir Pecanac - Readability matters
Ayende Rahien - Specification pattern: C# implementation
Vladimir Khorikov - NULL is the Worst Mistake in Computer Science
Paul Draper - The Error Model
Joe Duffy
- Using MongoDB to Implement a Semantic Database - Part I
Marc Clifton - Entity Framework Code First Migrations in a Team Environment
Kevin Fitz Patrick - Row level security in EntityFramework 6 (EF6)
David Bérubé - Developer Preview: RethinkDB now available for Windows Ryan Paul
- Entity Framework Pitfalls: Attaching New Entities With Existing Related Ones
Ricardo Peres - Cómo sacar partido a las Variables del Sistema en ataques SQL Injection a MySQL #SQLInjection #MySQL
Chema Alonso
- Comparing Different async Loaders for angular-translate
Konstantin A. Magg - A Step-by-step Introduction to JavaScript Sets
Tim Brock - JavaScript Variable Gotchas
Dave M. Bush - Why npm Scripts?
Damon Bauer - Short note on use of alt=”” and the title attribute
Steve Faulkner - Introduction to IndexedDB
Sibeesh Passion - JavaScript pure functions y su uso
Cecilio Álvarez - TypeScript Deep Dive (ebook)
Basarat Ali Syed (vía @braulio_sl) - Validating Data With JSON-Schema, Part 1 & Part 2
Evgeny Poberezkin - Fluent Validation in JavaScript
Ricardo Peres - Rapid Web Application Development With Meteor
Tom Whitbread - I Learned How to be Productive in React in a Week and You Can, Too
Sarah Drasner - The New Fetch Standard
K. Scott Allen - Learn Angularjs Step by Step – Lab 1
Shivprasad koirala
Visual Studio/Complementos/Herramientas
- Tips for Speeding Up Visual Studio
James Chambers - Where the white spaces are in my code ?– Automatically indicates white spaces in Visual Studio
Abhijit Jana - Project.json all the things
Oren Novotny - Manually Attach a Debugger to Azure Web Apps
Jeff Sanders - Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 CTP
John Montgomery - Update all ArgumentNullExceptions to nameof syntax
Daniel Fisher
- La solución al problema de las claves seguras: NullPass+
José Manuel Alarcón - El origen del primer meme: "Excepto en Nebraska"
CampusMVP - ¿Por qué sale el candado rojo en los mensajes de Gmail?
Chema Alonso - If somebody creates or deletes a file in a directory while I am enumerating its contents, what happens?
Raymond Chen - GitHub Activity Guilt and the Coder's FitBit
Scott Hanselman - The Ultimate Scrum Reference Card
Michael James - Sé consciente de lo que sabes (y de lo que no)
Juan María Hernández - Resultados del mini-estudio sobre contratar desarrolladores back-end en España
Javier Escribano
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